February 10, 2011, 9:12am
Hi guys!
I have bought a few of these modules:
There is a arduino library available on that page.
I’m trying to get that library translated to C# code, but I’m not that good in reading C++ code
I hope someone can help!
This is one of the thinks I dont get:
private byte SPI_Read(byte reg)
byte reg_val;
SPI_PORT&=~CSN; // CSN low, initialize SPI communication...
SPI_RW(reg); // Select register to read from..
reg_val = SPI_RW(0); // ..then read register value
SPI_PORT|=CSN; // CSN high, terminate SPI communication
return (reg_val); // return register value
February 10, 2011, 2:38pm
Gus your the best! Thanks! I am wirelessly transmitting and receiving data now! how cool!
February 16, 2011, 9:49am
I have the code working on my two panda’s but I can’t seem to get the two send more than one bite to each other! So the sample works ok… it sends 1…2…3…4…etc… but if I try to change the code (by put a higher payload value) it won’t receive anything anymore…
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Never used those myself but I know the code I pointed out is too old and probably needs some fixes.
February 16, 2011, 10:10am
// Set adresses
NRF24L01.RX_Adress = new byte[] { 0xEE, 0xDD, 0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA };
NRF24L01.TX_Adress = new byte[] { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE };
// Initialize nRF24L01
// Event handler for OnTransmit
NRF24L01.OnTransmit += new NRF24L01.OnTransmitHandler(NRF24L01_OnTransmit);
// Send first byte, next bytes are send with the OnTransmit handler
// Keep updating screen
while (true)
On transmit handler:
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for OnTransmit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="succes"></param>
/// <param name="status"></param>
void NRF24L01_OnTransmit(bool succes, byte status)
// See if transmit was succesfull
if (succes)
// If succes increase counter and send next byte
if (Counter == 100) { Counter = 1; } else { Counter++; }
Debug.Print("Send data: " + Counter.ToString());
// If error decrease counter and try send next byte
if (Counter == 1) { Counter = 1; } else { Counter--; }
Debug.Print("Send data failed: " + NRF24L01.ByteToHex(status));
Sendbyte methode:
/// <summary>
/// Send 1 byte to TX_Adress
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b">byte to send</param>
public static void SendByte(byte b)
// Chip enable low
// Setup, CRC enabled, Power Up, TRX
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_REGISTER, NRF24L01Registers.CONFIG, new byte[] { (byte)((1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.EN_CRC) | (1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.PWR_UP)) });
// Send payload
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_TX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, new byte[] { b });
// Pulse for CE -> starts the transmission.
But as Gus pointed out I used this code: [url]microframeworkprojects.com
I got it to work in VS2010 and MF4.1 and the demo works. But I can’t get it to send more then one byte…
Can you show please how are you trying to send more than 1 byte
February 16, 2011, 10:42am
I tried several things:
/// <summary>
/// Send 1 byte to TX_Adress
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b">byte to send</param>
public static void SendBytes(byte[] data)
// Chip enable low
// Setup, CRC enabled, Power Up, TRX
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_REGISTER, NRF24L01Registers.CONFIG, new byte[] { (byte)((1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.EN_CRC) | (1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.PWR_UP)) });
// Send payload
//NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_TX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, new byte[] { b });
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_TX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, new byte[] { data[i] });
// Pulse for CE -> starts the transmission.
And this:
/// <summary>
/// Send 1 byte to TX_Adress
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b">byte to send</param>
public static void SendBytes(byte[] data)
// Chip enable low
// Setup, CRC enabled, Power Up, TRX
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_REGISTER, NRF24L01Registers.CONFIG, new byte[] { (byte)((1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.EN_CRC) | (1 << NRF24L01Mnemonics.PWR_UP)) });
// Send payload
NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.W_TX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, data);
// Pulse for CE -> starts the transmission.
On the receiver side there is this line:
// Read payload data
byte[] payload = NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.R_RX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, new byte[1]);
When i change it to for example:
// Read payload data
byte[] payload = NRF24L01.SendCommand(NRF24L01Commands.R_RX_PAYLOAD, 0x00, new byte[16]);
It stops working…
Ok second form of your SendBytes method looks right,just remember that data should be up to 32 bytes.
On receiving side use R_RX_PL_WID command to determine the size of the payload and allocate accordingly.
February 18, 2011, 3:37am
Hi Architect! Thank you very much for your help, I’m afraid I don’t really know where to put that command, can you please help me a bit more?
Right before you use the R_RX_PAYLOAD command. R_RX_PL_WID will give you back how many bytes are available for reading, then you should be able to allocate a buffer of the right size. Again I am just guessing here since I don’t have the module and the problem may be somewhere else.
I looked at these modules and I really like them, especially the price.
I am ordering couple of these. I will probably get them in two weeks.
I will be able to mess with them then and help you more if you still have the issues.
February 18, 2011, 11:16am
Wow thats what I call service! I really like the modeules to and the price even better! they work great on the arduinos but I would really like to use them for my FEzzez…
Hey Ramon,
Got my cards today. Will try the code tonight and see if I can solve that issue.
March 10, 2011, 5:24pm
Damn, great! Shame I’m going on a holliday tomorrow 8) can’t wait to try it out!
March 20, 2011, 6:07am
I’m back! Still in one peace
Any progress on the wireless cards?
Sorry, Got busy with something else and haven’t tried it yet. Will do in a couple of days.
March 22, 2011, 3:53pm
Ok great! let me know when you have something for me to test!
April 26, 2011, 8:17am
Sorry for nagging but did you had the time by any chance?
Hey Ramon,
I did,but one of the transceivers was bad. I’ve ordered the replacement which should be here soon.