New Mini Product Suggestion


I will suggest a New Fez Micro Product.

Offend I need at very small FEZ with microSD Card and RTC Battery that e.g. can fit inside at tube.
So connectors at the ends and pads on the sides.
Pads/Holes, only - no pins!
Most Important pins is for communication LAN, USB, I2C, SPI, PWM, UART + a few IOs
It should piggy bag on my own PCB with sensors.
One can easy build prototypes with FEZ but a small production version is missing.
Now I use Fez Mini but it is not ideal.

What do you say to that?

build it !

I mean you, not GHI :slight_smile: Take the Mini design files and strip off what you don’t want, add what you want, and send to a fab shop. (there’s another thread about a larger module not a smaller one, but this could equally fly!)

The design files are open source. Download eagle (free) and start chopping. ;D

The point is that e.g. Fez Mini is ordered and comes next day - ready to fly out of the box - relative low cost!

Yes, but if GHI would need to make a new product for everyone’s need, they would have hundreds of products.

That’s the great thing of open source: someone can order a usbizi chip and make their own fez device ;D

There is another thread going on now about making a small breakout for USBizi. I think this is what you need.

@ Niels - along with what others have said, you’ll find this group of geeks very much a do-ocracy (google it for details). There is a flourishing ‘spinoff industry’ of gadgets that have organically evolved from GHI’s offerings. Some folks choose to open source and publish their work, and others just mention they’ve made some custom FEZ based PCB for a project. More importantly, GHI does listen to all our suggestions when designing V next or a new board. I’ve never seen a company that involves its customers to the extent that GHI does. It’s awesome. To my point - if you really need some feature, go the DIY route. If it’s more of a ‘nice to have’ thing for a future GHI board, post it in this forum and keep your eye out for news from GHI asking for input on the next release of something.

Hi Niels,

Come give your input here…