Never say no to Panda!

I think they mean FEZ Panda :smiley:

Oh-oh. Do you have one of those in your office?

That is funny

So with panda this is fine but what you say no to hydra? :o

At the (same ?) supermarket : [italic]"… and while you’re at it, get one more of that Cerberus, will you ?"[/italic] ???

See where it is going. You started with Panda and then Hydra, Cerberus. What is next - Fez Diablo!? ;D

“Just you know why…”

I’ll be singing that the rest of the day. Thanks…

The guts said no more cute names like panda but I think the Cerberus we got OS very cute! Lol

Hopefully, someday soon we can all see it to be able to agree with you… :wink: :whistle:

Wow I didn’t realize the iphone spell check is changing everything I am writing! The “guts” instead of guys :wall: the “OS” should be “is”

Haahahahahah funny :smiley:

Never say no to android, Gus.

We know what you mean… :wink: