Netduino 3

I try a simple blinking app on netduino 3:

static void Main()
            GpioPin _led = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(32+13, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive);
            while (true)

But I’m not sure of pinout for led or pwr_led. If someone has them … I think led is pa10 (so pin 10) and power_led is pc13 (so pin 32+13). But nothing happens. I’m wrong with assumed pin number ?

Would anything in here help?

How about this?

namespace GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Pins {
    /// <summary>Board definition for the Netduino3.</summary>
    public static class Netduino3 {
        /// <summary>GPIO pin definitions.</summary>
        public static class GpioPin {

            /// <summary>Debug LED definition</summary>
            public const int Led = STM32F4.GpioPin.PA10;
            public const int PowerLed = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC13;

            /// <summary>SD Card Dectect definition</summary>
            public const int SdCardDetect = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB2;
            public const int SdCardPwrCtrl = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB1;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D0 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC7;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D1 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC6;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D2 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PA3;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D3 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PA2;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D4 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB12;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D5 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB8;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D6 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB9;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D7 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PA1;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D8 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PA0;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D9 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE5;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D10 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB10;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D11 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB15;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D12 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB14;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int D13 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB13;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A0 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC0;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A1 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC1;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A2 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC2;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A3 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC3;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A4 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC4;
            /// <summary>GPIO pin.</summary>
            public const int A5 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PC5;

            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public static class GoPort1 {
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin3 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD13;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin4 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD8;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin5 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD9;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin6 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD0;
                /// <summary>LED definition.</summary>
                public const int Led = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE9;
                /// <summary>Power On definition.</summary>
                public const int PwrOn = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD7;

            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public static class GoPort2 {
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin3 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD14;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin4 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE8;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin5 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE7;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin6 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD1;
                /// <summary>LED definition.</summary>
                public const int Led = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE11;
                /// <summary>Power On definition.</summary>
                public const int PwrOn = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD10;

            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public static class GoPort3 {
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin3 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD15;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin4 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE1;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin5 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE0;
                /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
                public const int Pin6 = STM32F4.GpioPin.PD2;
                /// <summary>LED definition.</summary>
                public const int Led = STM32F4.GpioPin.PB0;
                /// <summary>Power On definition.</summary>
                public const int PwrOn = STM32F4.GpioPin.PE14;

        /// <summary>Analog channel definition.</summary>
        public static class AdcChannel {
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A0 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel10;
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A1 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel11;
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A2 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel12;
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A3 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel13;
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A4 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel14;
            /// <summary>Pin definition.</summary>
            public const int A5 = STM32F4.AdcChannel.Channel15;      

        /// <summary>Uart port definition.</summary>
        public static class UartPort {

            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public const string GoPort1 = STM32F4.UartPort.Usart3;
            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public const string GoPort2 = STM32F4.UartPort.Uart7;
            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public const string GoPort3 = STM32F4.UartPort.Uart8;

            /// <summary>UART D0 (RX) and D1 (TX).</summary>
            public const string Uart6 = STM32F4.UartPort.Uart6;

        /// <summary>SPI Bus definition.</summary>
        public static class SpiBus {

            /// <summary>Socket definition.</summary>
            public const string GoPort1 = STM32F4.SpiBus.Spi4;
            public const string GoPort2 = STM32F4.SpiBus.Spi4;
            public const string GoPort3 = STM32F4.SpiBus.Spi4;
            public const string Spi2 = STM32F4.SpiBus.Spi2;          

and see this please

You are the man :nerd: I do not care what @Gary_Beaver says!


did you tried

using System;
using System.Threading;
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.Gpio;

class Program
static void Main()
GpioPin led = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(45); //your call is different there
//PC13 = equivalent 216+13 for power led or pa10 = 016+10 = 10 for led



Thanks for all responses, but no one is going in the right direction … And before saying what has happened, I would like you all know that the first one who is laughing … is in right direction !
To test netduino, I’ve created two projects in same solution, and blinking project is second project. I forget to set this as startup project, so when pressing start debug, Nothing is blinking led !!!

I’m just an idiot !:confused:

@valon_hoti_gmail_com : For power_led: pc13 --> 32+13 or 2*16+13 or 45 is same value !

(your code)
GpioPin _led = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(32+13, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive);

code i provided
GpioPin led = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(45); //there no GpioSharingMode.Exclusive you applied

GpioSharingMode.Exclusive or GpioSharingMode.Shared or nothing doesn’t change behaviour with just a blinking led.
But I admit that when I read your previous message, I was thinking that change you talk was from value and not sharing mode.

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Where can I find definition for STM32F4 class ?

in Device/Netduino3/DeviceSelector.h

For managed code, I would say. I know I can rewrite it but if it is already written, I would prefer to copy it ! :slight_smile:

for netduino 3 check GREG above have posted link

otherwise i have writted it for nucleo so you cold modify for yourselves

It is included in the coming 0.6 release

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did is include Nucleo STM32F411RET6 or just official GHI Electronics officially supported files

It is the master STM32F4 file to cover everything. It is Generic and should be the base for everything STM32, including nucleo and discovery.