Are you going to be adding NAND FS support to the Domino? I’m working on a port of Pyxis OS and it’d be great if some PEs could be stored on NAND so the uSD wasn’t required for minimal usage.
uSD cost many folds less than NAND so why use NAND?! We have no plans on supporting any FLASH…unless you are willing to cover the costs involved of course. If so contact GHI directly.
The reason for asking about NAND support was simply so users could have something running out of the box without having to slap a uSD card in as well, though admittedly they are cheap. I figured w/ 100k available on the FLASH for applications (which Pyxis will use very little of) with direct access several programs would be stored along with it. The average PE size for a Pyxis app is 5-10k.
I can easily include a few apps inside the main program uploaded but that removes the ability to uninstall them. Not a big issue though. I’m using the TouchShield Slide from Liquidware for the entry level device so I can use it’s EEPROM to store the user settings the hide any pre-installed apps the user doesn’t want to see.
Thanks for the very quick reply!
Yes I was going to point out DATAFLASH. We already have drivers for that
Skewworks, I’d be interested to hear what you think of the TouchShield Slide, they look not bad for something small like a Domino !
The Slide (TSS) is great, I’ve been working with it for about a year and a half. I actually coded some of the newer firmware for Liquidware. Their newest revision of the board has a slight problem interfacing w/ the Dominio but it’s nothing that can’t be solved.
The Domino and TSS both try and send/receive on the same pin (which is a problem) but the TSS can use pins 2/3 as well so I just jump 2 to 1 and 3 to 0, that solves the serial communication issue. It’s best to keep 2/3 not plugged in (on the newer ones, older ones don’t have an issue).
Using the LCD library for Pyxis you can access pretty much everything the LCD does. Draw stored bitmaps, transferring bitmaps from an external source, bit level ops, etc.
I’m working on a port of Pyxis that uses the Domino & TSS as an entry level for people coming from Pyxis 1.0 and then I’ll be developing a stronger version to work w/ the screens on the Cobra.
A few examples of the TSS in action:
12 FPS Mario scroller - Arduino Super Mario Clone (UPDATE) - YouTube
Pyxis 1 Release Video - Pyxis OS RELEASED - YouTube
Newer graphic additions (8 & 32bpp stored images) - Graphics Preview - YouTube
I never heard of skewworks before and I like what I see
Please let us know if there anything we can do to help.
You can do some amazing thing with Domino that now you can connect USB devices.
Thanks Gus! I’m sure I’ll be dropping you guys a line once I get the Domino version finished and move along to the Cobra.
Spoilers Gus! Yes, I’ll be adding USB support to Pyxis so in addition to using the touch screen keyboard you can also use a USB keyboard. Support for USB Drives will also be included. Frame rate on the TSS isn’t enough to justify use of a mouse unfortunately, but mice & joysticks will be available on the Cobra version.
I am also toying around with the idea of adding drivers for USB WiFi.
Have you seen the Chumby-like project we talked about on this forum? We can use your OS as a base?
This is a very long thread but worth reading I think
Me too :o
You can definitely use the OS as a base. I haven’t read through the Chumby thread yet, but I’ll do that now. I was only planning on single threading for Pyxis but I can upgrade it to multithreads if needed, it’ll just take a little longer.
I am also toying around with the idea of adding drivers for USB WiFi
I am pretty sure that most of USB WiFi dongles requires to load the firmware on run time by the operation system. This makes them not suitable for embedded systems with limitied resources.
On the other hand, FEZ Cobra and Domino supports WiFi through other modules.