My first introduction to the TinyCLR forum

Hello all this is my first visit to the Tiny-CLR forum.

I’m a newcomer with GHI modules and also a (------) nice German.
I bought the following modules from Wattenrott:

Fez Panda II board
Fez Touch Display board
Fez Music shield board

My experience with microprocessors hardware and assembler is more than 30 years.
My experince with Dennis Ritchi ANSI C is approcs. four weeks.
My experience with NETMF and GHI and VC is 3 days.
I read all the intros on Tiny-CLR forum.

Some examples from TinyCLR Code are running perfectly with my boards.
I also have updatet the Firmware of the Panda-II board to to

But often I have problems with error messages from build (compile) which I didn’t understand and can resolve.

Here is an example:
I will run the Fez Touch calibration routine:

I use new project,
I use FEZ Panda II Application1
I append the two files
I exclude from Project: Programm.cs

I add the Reference: GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware

But I got two build errors:

The name ‘Resources’ does not exist in the current context C:\Users\Werner Schubert\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects
\FEZ Panda II Application1\driver–fez-touch-lcd-component-expansion_example.cs 49 53 FEZ Panda II Application1

In file driver–fez-touch-lcd-component-expansion_exapmles.cs shows:

img = new FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Image(Resources.GetBytes(Resources.BinaryResources.img));

Resources is underlined.

with kind regards


Welcome to the community. I hoe you continue to enjoy your FEZ.

About your error, visit the support page and look for “loading resources” please Support – GHI Electronics

This is named “Downloads & Tutorials” on top

i was having a similar problem, you have to address it both in your code and to the IDE
to the right theres the resource panel and right click on references and add it through there as well , not sure if you did all this but that threw me off for a while since i was new to the visual Studio IDE and i was use to other languages where simply including a library/class in the code is enough.
hope that helps.

Welcome to the community! I don’t know anything about being German, but it is generally accepted practice not to use vulgarities like that in a public forum. You might want to just take a look at the edit button for a second and see if you want to describe yourself as a different kind of German. :wink:

I’ve read a book about Miles Davis long ago and the writer told that
he (Miles) uses the word motherfucker very often.
When I translate this word back to german this sounds much more worse
in german.


um? ::slight_smile:

The only F word allowed around here is FEZ :slight_smile:

BTW, we have more international users on this forum than we do in USA and plenty are from Germany. The beauty of internet, we are all now in one room chatting about the next best thing to make with FEZ :dance:

and MF is Micro Framework :stuck_out_tongue:

Must be the Oktoberfest. ;D

Probably :smiley:

there may be problem with 4.1.7 because i had same problem and got back previous version (i had no time to fix it or figured out the problem). i think you should change region area of pc to whom spoke english. and save your project to not to temporary folder. it couses problems…
good luck…

[quote]there may be problem with 4.1.7 because i had same problem and got back previous version (i had no time to fix it or figured out the problem). i think you should change region area of pc to whom spoke english. and save your project to not to temporary folder. it couses problems…
good luck…

I think you forgot to update the firmware on your device or forgot to update your assemblies in your project.

I also have updatet the Firmware of the Panda-II board to to

I found the solution in the following way:

When I put the cursor in the …example.cs file to the underlined word “”

the first character “r” opened a little menue. In this menue I have a choice of three buttons.

When I selecet the right one the error of unresolved resources is gone

and the build is OK.

But this is not described in the Primer literature.

Here comes my next problem:

I have downloaded the FEZ music shield Demo Software from TinyCLR-Code:

The file song.mid but is empty and contain zero bytes.

Should I use my own MIDI file ?
Which type of MIDI file do I need ?
Did this program play *.mid MIDI files ?
Did this program play also *.mp3 MP3 files ?
Is a conversion to NETMF necessary ?

I get no Audio output.

When I write my own testprogram part and trigger the function:

public void SineTest()

this makes a sinus output.
I can also adjust the volume with the volume function.

I got an audible output with the headphone and can
control the loudness, so the chip VS1053 seems OK.

Please start a new thread with your music shield questions.

I have done two experiences at the same time.

I have installed Windows 8 Developer Version Demo at a primary HD partion
and running Microsoft NETMF and GHI the first time in my lifetime.

You really are looking for trouble. I doubt you’re going to get much support with Windows 8 preview editions. I would start out on a stable OS that NETMF is proven to work with.