Take a look at this video to see what I mean
Take a look at this video to see what I mean
Nice demo, Joe.
I like that rangefinder mount. I am making a pan/tilt version.
Thanks for watching the video.
This was my first big success with NETMF and the FEZ Domino. In my first video, the servo doesn’t move the way it should. My first thougt was an issue with threading, but it was a PWM problem. Using PWM for motor controller and servo doesn’t work, I’ve learned in this lesson. After changing to timer output compare the servo works fine.
Mutli threading was one the reasons for me to switch from Arduino to FEZ Domino. I’m very happy with the result.
The rangefinder mount is homemade cut from a piece of L-shape plastic. To improve the accuracy of the Sharp sensor, I’ve added a 100µF and a 100nF capacitor directly between the Sharp power pins.
Hi RobotFreak
Are you RobotFreak from LMR?
If so, great to see the ‘FEZ start here robot coming along.
Good to know about the OutputCompare vs the use of PWM for servo control. I havent gotten to the servo part of my project yet (Whirligig). Still working on GPS and XBee communication with the control system.
But so far Im absolutely amazed of the capabilities of the FEZ Domino and probably wont go back to Arduino anytime soon.
Thank you RobotFreak for this nice video. I could not resist putting your video on our forum when I saw it because it shows one of the main features that makes FEZ and NETMF different.
Like it! I subscribed to your videos
Thank you guys.
@ geir. Yes I’m user ‘RobotFreak’ at LMR. Before I can build a .NETMF Start-Here Robot I have to finish my competitor for the Dagu Beginners Robot Challenge with the FEZ Domino board. Deadline is 9th September, there is not much time left. I’m looking forward to see your progress on Whirligig.