Ms sql ce

I have a client who is convinced that .netmf should be able to run MS SQL CE. I tried to tell him that .netmf is a “Micro Framework” and not the full blown .net framework but he’s not buying it.

Gus, can you give me a answer that would satisfy him.


If your client doesn’t trust your expertise, why did your client hire you, I wonder?

I’d have him call Microsoft.

@ godefroi - Clients often think they know better.

@ Jim - NETMF should be able to hit a SQL CE database but only if the device is running CE with NETMF on top of it.

@ godefroi,

Its not like that at all, and i don’t appreciate the condescending tone.

This guy is another coder who does data base stuff. He wanted to install a embedded device out in the field to gather sensor information and then shoot that info up to his data base. Thus the reason he wants SQL CE.
He is also a friend of mine. So he called me knowing i do this sort of stuff and asked if i could put one of my .nermf boards in his box and then install SQL CE on it to send the data. I told him that was not going to happen. To which he said if it runs. net it should be able to run SQL CE. I told him again no.
So he asked me to ask on the forum which i have done only to appease him.

He knows i don’t have both feet in the .netmf stuff yet, which is the reason for the unbelief.

Trust me, I know that. I have the luxury of refusing to work with clients that don’t believe or trust me, but I understand that many/most don’t have that option.

Also, SQL CE runs on the desktop framework as well, no Windows CE is necessary.

jdal, I guess what your REAL question here is, “does everything that runs on the desktop framework run on the micro framework,” and the answer is an emphatic “NO”. The compact framework is a subset of the desktop framework, and the micro framework is a tiny subset of the compact framework/

@ Skewworks

Are you saying that i can take a GHI board with networking and also put CE on it as well. Was i wrong ?

If all you want to do is collect data and send it up to a database, then it seems a database is way overkill for storing the data until it’s transmitted. However, you can use SQLLite on the larger premium boards now. So, why not use that if he really must have a database?

@ ianlee74

I agree, its over kill. What i want to know is if these boards will run SQL CE on them. I told him no, but now i am not so sure.

Assuming that at a code level it was compatible, how would you install it since AFAIK the source isn’t available and the install is in the form of .dll files which can’t run on NETMF.

No, SQL CE cannot run on any board running the .NET Micro Framework.

GHI’s boards cannot run Windows CE either, because there is no BSP (Board Support Package) available for them.

@ ianlee74,

I think you misunderstand my reasoning for the post.
I say it cannot be installed, and a friend thinks it can. I needed someone with more .nermf authority than I to prove to him that it cannot.

@ godefroi,

Thanks for the clear answer

My point was, by the fact that SQL CE only provides .DLL files regardless of any other reasons unless you disassembled and recompiled there’s no way for it to work.

I’m wondering if it can be interesting to write a microframework Sql client managed driver to access data on remote db (sqlserver, mysql or whatever) via tcp/ip or wifi…

Even then it wouldn’t, because you’d find that the .NET DLL files are thin wrappers over the actual COM or C interfaces provided by the native SQL CE engine.

I don’t see why not. SQL Server’s network transport is called TDS: Tabular Data Stream - Wikipedia but I imagine you’d get farther by implemented an ODBC client. This would not be simple, and I imagine that such a product would be quite valuable commercially.

Yep, that’s why I said…

Emphatically, SQL CE is an x86 application and has nothing to do with .Net. It could never be installed on a non-x86 platform.

There is an ARM version of SQL CE (indeed, SQL CE existed on ARM long before it existed on x86), on mobile devices running Windows Mobile. It never ran, however, on Cortex-M devices, and it requires an underlying operating system (Windows CE on ARM or Windows on x86/x64). It will not run on NETMF.


You can’t run SQL CE on any of the GHI boards because it requires CE. I think your friends confusion stems from the fact that CE supports NETMF and under that circumstance and only that can you indeed hit an SQL CE database from NETMF.