Anybody else here in Seattle?
@ Architect - Not there, but watched the keynote live stream.
Did you see the Jordan Rudess pre-show before the keynote? I want those apps (and the Lenovo A720 he was running them on)!
Indeed! Insane. I got in as soon as they opened the doors so I got all of the pre-show! Love it! Will get both of his apps.
Please stream link 8)
Head over to, and you’ll get a link to the live stream, as well as a schedule of what’s being streamed. You can also jump back in the stream to catch stuff you missed.
congrats! wish I were there - if I weren’t going out of the country for 2 weeks, would have tried harder to get a ticket.
Yes this is one of the best events I have been too. Already switched from Verizon Android to my new ATT Lumia 920. Amazing phone. One issue so far can’t add images to my posts on this forum from Windows Phone 8.
If you don’t need your RT or 920, let me know
edit: Just notice the above post – the offer still stands for the RT