Modules and a Gadgeteer comeback!

This thread has brought in everyone back. I do not feel lonely anymore. Welcome back!


Hugh me old diamond, good to see you are still alive and kicking! :grin:

@Justin still here. Been lurking every so often just to keep an eye on things and make sure everyone is behaving. Funnily enough about a day before I got the email with the vote in I was looking at all my old gadgeteer bits and wondering if I should star desoldering all the sensors etc. I have used a few bits recently like the 2 line lcd but used a breakout module in reverse to wire it up.

I gather tinyclr 2 will only run on the new sitcore SoM’s now?

Don’t - i have a dream / plan…

Correct, you need SCxxxx based products to run v2

Didn’t you and @mcalsyn start cooking up something gadgeteeresque a while ago?

The recipe has changed a few times…
Once the car industry has stopped nicking all the STM’s there will be some new goodies :cowboy_hat_face:

2027 at this rate :scream:

Yeah, but I’m a slacker with a short attention span. Lifelong struggle.

That said, there is another thread in the last day or two about that - The software side of Gadgeteer - #4 by CDR114

I like it ! :+1: