MikroElektronika Wifi+ NetMF driver (beta)


Some of the guys here are using MikroElektronika boards, so I thought this may help them or at least save some time if they are using the Wifi+ Click board : WiFi Plus click - Breakout board for MRF24WB0MA & TCP/IP stack .

So here’s a beta version of a NetMF driver for this (very) nice board : http://www.lsp-fr.com/FEZ/WifiPlusClick/download.php

The main thing with this driver is that it is event driven. So you can subscribe to what you want to know/listen and not bother with anything else. A minimal working code could then look like this :

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using WifiPlusClick;
using WifiPlusClick.Events;

namespace wfpclick
    public class Program
        static WifiBaf wifi;
        static Byte Handle1;

        public static void Main()

            wifi = new WifiBaf("COM3", new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)GHI.Hardware.FEZCerb.Pin.PC4, false));
            wifi.CreateProfile("baf", WifiBaf.SecurityModes.WEP40, new Byte[] { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE }, 0);

            wifi.SocketDataReceived += wifi_SocketDataReceived;

            wifi.SocketConnect(Handle1, 4001, "");

		static void wifi_SocketDataReceived(object sender, SocketDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            Debug.Print("Message from server : ");
            Debug.Print(new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(e.Data)));

The driver comes in two versions, NetMF 4.1 and NetMF 4.2, and a complete help file is provided.
Right now, since the driver is still in a beta state (though running flawlessly at home on a PandaII and a CerbuinoBee), source code is not provided yet. As soon as it could be considered as stable, I will release it to the CodeShare section. I just don’t want to spread potentially bad code for the moment.

Also, Ad-Hoc mode is not yet implemented, only Infrastructure. I didn’t have the need for it when I first began to code the driver.

Help file has many C# examples in it. If anybody is using VB.Net with this driver/board, he could then send me sample code so that I can include it in the help file.

In the attached picture, you can see :
[ul]the setup for a PandaII and a CerbuinoBee board
a screenshot of a test with sockets to a remote TCP server[/ul]

I hope it will be useful. If you have any question, remarks or bug report then do not hesitate to ask.




@ Bec a Fuel - haven’t seen you in a while. Welcome back.

Thanks for the driver but this will be lost over time. Best to put the driver on codeshare if you do not mind please.

@ Bec a Fuel - This is cool. About the connection. It looks similar to the XBee connection. Does it just not fit on the CerbuinoBee? Or is this not pin compatible with XBee?

@ Bec a Fuel - I am getting a 404 when I try to download the 7z file…

Oops !

Fixed. Sorry :frowning:

The board doesn’t fit and it’s not pin-compatible either. Too bad.

@ Gus : I will put it on Codeshare as soon as I release the code.