Microserver - MVC style HTTP server

Hat’s off to the GHI team for the non-blocking network support in preview 4. This change dramatically increased the performance of Mircoserver libraries. :slight_smile:

Have you every wanted to run a 30MB static website including your favorite JavaScript libraries from your TinyCLR OS device. Well now you can…

I’m guessing you don’t have much of a need for a static website but I’m excited by this overall performance. Microserver and TinyCLR OS together can serve just about any IoT based web, json, controller or stubble view engine content you might want to create. Check it out for yourself.

Have a development board or FEZ portal here is a ready to run project you can quickly give a try.


Thanks for the kind words and also thanks for sharing. By the way we still have another trick under our sleeves. So stay tuned…


I look forward to seeing what your working on!