mbed/mBuino - SignalGenerator

I mentioned on another thread that I had started tinkering with my mBuino and logic analyzer, writing a library that provides signal generation support like that provided by GHI’s .NETMF firmware.

I have been having so much fun with the mBuino, I went all out this evening and added support to the library for asynchronous signal generation.

You can find the library at the following location

Attached are a few images from the logic analyzer, I have two SignalGenerator instances running. The first is asynchronous and the other is synchronous with interrupts disabled, you can see that while the synchronous generator is running the async one is stopped.

Image notes
Image 1 : This image shows both channels

Image 2: This image zooms in so that the async channel signal is shown

Image 3: This image zooms in on the synchronous channel, this channel is has a 10kHz carrier wave so when the signal is high you see the carrier wave superimposed on the signal and when the signal is low there is no signal at all.


Nice work as usual :slight_smile:

Good stuff. Hmm, mbed is getting popularity here…

@ Justin, @ njbuch - Thanks.

@ taylorza - Very useful library. TVBGone here I come!

@ Architect - Thanks, of course the credit for the idea goes to GHI, I just did an original implementation of their idea on mbed.