I have searched and I did not find anything - or I am just not correctly understanding what I am reading.
What is the maximum safe current to the inputs on a Panda II? Both analog and digital would be appreciated. I am wanting to attach a circuit to an input so I can detect when a portion of that circuit is powered, but I don’t want to fry my Panda II. The Panda II and the monitored circuit are both on the same power supply so I don’t have any concerns about voltage (both are at a well regulated 5v). I am assuming I will need to use a current limiting diode, but I don’t know what current I need to limit to.
The problem is not how much current a pin can sink - that will typically be very small. The problem is always trying to source more current than the pin is capable of. You could for instance tie a pin to 5v directly and the chip will only source a low current on input, its internal circuitry will limit what it draws.
When you want to put in a current limiting resistor, you really just need to consider how much current you want to limit that part of your circuit to - usually to minimise the (unnecessary) power consumption.
For analog input, you don’t want to add CL resistors, as they’ll influence your ADC reading