Making characters larger

I’m looking around how to make the displayed characters more readable (larger), since they are quite small. What commands or parameters will provide this adjustment?

Are you using the builtin display methods? (WPF, Bitmap.Flush())
If so, you need to create other font files. A font file can only have one font size.

[quote]Are you using the builtin display methods? (WPF, Bitmap.Flush())

What are the ways that are not built-in? I just want to show a few digits at around 1/2 inch size…

If you are using a color LCD display on the 16 bit bus (+control lines) then you are surely using the native methods. This methods make use of the Font class for drawing strings. This means that you have some tinyfnt file(s) in the resources (or somewhere else). This font file(s) must be changed (to other font size) or you can add a new, bigger font file.

If you are using any other kind of display connected via other ports (SPI, GPIO, UART, etc.) than you are using a different library to make it work and there is the place to look for methods that draw text.

you can generate your own fonts with th TFConvert tool provided with MF. there is also a great GUI front end available. do a search.
