Can someone identify the chip used here? I need to basically do the same thing and take an analog sensor and put it on an I2C or SPI bus so that I can chain many (32+) together. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
The ATtiny solution they use is the same, still a custom firmware.
You might be able to find a generic I2C device but the chances of finding one that just reports back an analog voltage on a certain pin is pretty low, which is what cheap micros are also good for, but require you to do a bit of work.
I have not tried it, but in theory the FEEZ Medusa librariries should be able to do DL, I seem to remember seeing the DL classes in the code, I will double check when I get to my machine.
Do you think it will work with something as small as an ATTiny45? The Cortex M0 is going to be too expensive for this project. If you could share your Arduino DL code, that would be great to study.
PIO1_2 is downstream pin used for the DaisyLink protocol so it is not available as a analog input
PIO1_3 can potentially be used but it also has the SWIO function used for native debugging and is on the DL40’s downstream socket so just for convenience it was not supported in the DL40IO firmware. There is a custom build that supports this if required.