Would any of the Fez boards be capable of being used as a Logic Analyzer or a Scope? Did anyone done this before?
not unless you took netmf off them…
I suppose its possible with an spi adc. If Savitch can get up to 40 fps on a mono LCD
You might get 200khz / 300khz sampling, wont be much use…
People make small pic based sampling probes with built in buffers and achieve 2 - 5 mhz.
I bought one of these a year or so ago: [url]http://www.saelig.com/PSBEB100/PSSA002.htm[/url] and have found it to be a very good scope for the money. They also have some mixed signal (scope + LA) scopes as well. My preference is for a stand alone scope while others prefer a USB unit that plugs into a PC.
Thought so, was just an idea.