Loading multiple RLP images in 4.3

I’d like to get a few comments on how RLP works in 4.3.

What I want to do is to load multiple RLP-ready images. I understand this is doable by writing memory content directly (by using AddressSpace class), and then explicitly defining function start addresses. Quite inconvenient, especially if images are recompiled from time to time.

Now, RuntimeLoadableProcedures class can parse an ELF file, but it is using static methods, so there’s no way to select a specific image. I understand it works correctly only with the last image that was laoded by calling LoadElfImage() method.

But I still want to use multiple ELFs. Are there any reasons why this code wouldn’t work?

var procedure1=new RuntimeLoadableProcedures.NativeFunction("Procedure1");
var procedure2=new RuntimeLoadableProcedures.NativeFunction("Procedure2");

It’s something we’d like to support but don’t have any plans to at the moment.

I always thought this was working in 4.2 !?

It wasn’t supported in 4.2 either. The core native side of RLP really hasn’t changed from 4.2.