Latest SDK 4.2 - Onewire Fails

I think that stare was we have any issues covered and not seeing what you are seeing. We are willing to test your sensors if you ship to us.

Is it possible to get a update befor christmas?

I just finished making a test “kit” for MF 4.1 and MF 4.2 using our hardware

Tomorow, I will send to GHI development team a CD along with the hardware to test everything.
If there’s any questions just ask here or by e-mail!

Ok thanks

@ Gus

Is there a progress?

Update on? next release or standing problems?

Yeah first off all, did you found the bug for emx? Second when can we expact the fix?

I believe you (jp_miata) and me have the same bugs regarding OneWire with MF 4.2 on the EMX and G120
The package to test our hardware left our office on monday, so it’s still on it’s way to GHI.
I bet if GHI can do it’s magic to make it work with our hardware (which is basically just standard 1wire chips), your issue should be resolved as well.

@ jp_miata - We haven’t seen any problems on analyzer or with real devices but @ PhilM sent some setup for us to test some more as he said in his reply.

Please keep in mind that next public release is 4 week or more away. We are trying to make the release less frequent to eliminate any confusion to new customers.

@ Gus

Did you received the test setup from PhilM? Is there any progress?

Not yet

I have been told that GHI received our test kit that reproduce the problem, but they are very busy working on the next firmware update.
Just a note though:I did the best I could to make the test (both software and hardware) as “plug & play” as possible, so as soon as you have time it would be awesome to know if the new firmware resolve our bug.

We did receive the boards and code required to test this issue, and will post back as soon as this item is marked as corrected internally.

We tested your kit with fixed firmware. Everything looks good on both emx and g120, and I can also control your LED on two your boards, are these what you expected in 4.2?.

Yes this is exactly it !
For an even greater test, you could run it for like 10000 or even 100000 iterations and check if there are no errors.
I think I’ve tested once with 250000 iterations (wich took a couple hours) on 4.1 on EMX, and it ran with 0 errors.
But so far I’m excited for the new 4.2 release :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help.

@ PhilM -

Onewire is fixed. Try it now:

Thanks to GHI, my problems are fixed :slight_smile:

I just tested the new version of the 4.2 firmware on G120.
The problems seems to be fixed on my end too!
Good work and thanks!

@ Dat - Onewire between my client device and G120,EMX,HYDRA works fine. Thanks!