Introducing the G80 System on Chip!

@ Rajesh - just load it with the binaries we released :wink: but seriously, maybe the porting kit includes that code already.

Man, I have so many ideas. What I lack is time!

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And like me, a box full of uncompleted projects and all those nice shiny things you saw online and just had to purchase and never enough time to play with them all.

I am moving soon and not looking forward to the packing :frowning:


@ godefroi - who needs sleep when there are so many things to build! ;D

@ Dave McLaughlin - Where are you moving to, I remember you saying you were moving some where that was easier for shipping and importing?

@ Gary - Singapore.

@ Dave McLaughlin - look at it this way, the packing will give you an excuse to part with older “things” and get newer ones.

@ Gary - Looking at the customs import limits, I’ll be ordering quite a bit more. Here the limit is only US$50 and that is CIF. The new location is S$400 so I can order a few bits and bobs. Even if over this, there is no duty, only VAT. I can’t wait to play with more toys.

Good luck, having relocated to a new country relatively recently I can sympathize. And just this last week we moved again from one house to another, honestly I think changing countries was easier.

Well this is depressing news. I opt for the ENC28J60 ethernet controllers, because it will allow us to use multiple ethernet controllers on a single device. The device is cheap, and plentiful.

That’s what they’re using. It’s the right call, in my book. While the built-in PHY is theoretically a bit faster, unless NETMF gets native compilation, you’ll never notice.

So far, you can always only use one Ethernet interface at a time with the builtin stack.
GHI supports Builtin, ENC28 via SPI and WIFI RS21 via SPI.
The EMX, G400D and now G120E are the only one with the buitin option.
Even it is theoretically possible to use multiple ENC28, or even combined with builtin or WiFi, you would have to use a managed IP stack for every additional one like mIP. mIP has no socket support and is even slower. I tries it one, and wanted to use it for as an plain TCP server, but I failed. The webserver that comes with works though.
Hopefully NETMF 4.4 with the completely new IP stack will support multiple physical interfaces and subnets.

It’s not a new stack. It’s still lwIP, but this time integrated in a way that actually works (at least, that’s the expectation).

@ Cuno - Thank you for the clarification.
Are multiple logical and/or physical networks still a possibility? Or is that something IwIP can’t handle?

Will the G80 USB Host support High Speed USB Mass storage with Long File Names?


@ Benb2014 - Long file name is supported, but not high speed USB. If you need high speed file access then ALFAT is the way to go.

Brett needs a tech-spec question answered.

Brett would like to know whether the internal SPI supported display uses specific pins for specific functions or it can handle mapping to different pins ? And specifically Brett is interested to know about the pin shown as RS on the G80 Dev board functions as a data vs command mode pin? Brett is hoping a device like the ILI9341 would be supported by the G80… Brett can send you a few if you want to try them ? :slight_smile:

Brett will stop referring to Brett in the third person now.

@ Brett - lol, yes you can use any pins. As long as your display would take the data in one chunk and the bit ordering is supported.

Brett is yet to, er I am yet to check details on the driver and test if it can take a big chunk of data; the current driver I’m using is pretty slow for the level of graphics I hope to use.

@ Brett - send me your driver and I will test for you