Introducing the G30 SoC, the world smallest and lowest cost NETMF SoC

See, now you’re solving my problems GHI; now you’re solving my problems.

I want this badly, but I want it before August!

Edit: hum… I think I’ll leave out that double part :slight_smile:

Send a PO and magic will happen :slight_smile:

OK so the G30HDR has the pad for the regulator. If I put one on, then will it work with USB power?

I was just complaining last week about how hard it would be to port NETMF to an F01 device. Shows how much I know. RLP would have been nice, but with such a low amount of ram I can understand.

Does anyone know a single IC CAN bus solution that uses SPI?

Yes will work

I think it was sja something. But a better one comes from chip mcp255 something.

I am on a phone, short answers

@ Mr. John Smith - You’re gonna need a 2-chip solution. MCP2515 (spi-can) and MCP2551 (transceiver). Lots of dev boards available.

Please make it “real soon” … before they are gone

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A quick inspection suggests that the G30HDR is pin compatible with the Cerb40 II which I use a lot. Is this the case?

@ Ariane Medical - 2 new pins were added, so the pinout is very close but not identical.

@ Gus - That means that the pin-out blocks on the schematic are wrongly numbered. To be honest I just saw 40 as the biggest pin number on each side, and that the other ends of the pin-outs matched the Cerb 40 and leapt to the wrong conclusion. What I didn’t do was count the actual pins ::slight_smile:

@ Ariane Medical - We updated the schematic to individually number the pins. There are 42 individual headers.

What’s wrong with this picture?

@ ianlee74 - The mind sees what it wants to see?

Typos in the workplace can be fatal you know.

It appears that the G30 doesn’t include the full TCP/IP stack so it doesn’t support the ENC28. Am I correct?

Correct, use wiznet chipsets instead.

Any chance RLP would be an option for G30 or G80 in the future?

@ skeller - it is already I the firmware but disabled for internal reasons. If you have any serious needs then please contact us directly with details please.

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@ Gus - Thanks! It is for a future product that I was going to use a straight STM32F405. Now that the G80 and G30 are available it kind of changes my plans, or at least is causing me to re-think them.

oh no, the world is coming to an end if Andre is admitting he was wrong! hahahaha lol