Info messages on LCD gone! and no COM port

Hi Guys,

Bet your getting sick of me now!

The nice info messages on the LCD screen have stopped appearing when my cobra is restarted, all I see now is the logo.

Any idea why this may be?

I have looked at re-blowing the firmware but there is no COM port created when the cobra is connected so I cannot connect by terminal!

Pinging from the deployment tool works fine.

Any help would be much apreciated.



OK I have the COM port, me being an idiot!

Putting the firmware back on fixed it.

Great that you finish up the thread when you found the solution, that way it might help others later.

Even better I found the original issue:

Configuration.LCD.EnableLCDBootupMessages in NETMF.Hardware allows you to toggle this feature on and off without reblowing the firmware :slight_smile:

I must have ran some sample code to turn it off!


gets rid of the bootup stuff you will see with cobra. As mentioned in this thread

You might have to hard reset (AKA: pull the power out) your board for a minute for that setting to take effect, BTW.