ILI9325 TFT LCD Display library

2 seconds, impressive !

I just looked in the spec for the touch interface pins :

[quote]D8 - D_IRQ
D9 - D_OUT
D10 - D_CS
A0 - D_IN
A1 - D_CLK[/quote]

It uses SPI but the pins don’t map to FEZ SPI pins, so I don’t know if it’s possible to use it without hardware modifications

Alright, I got the touch code working. It looks like Fezzer is broken, so I will upload it later.
The only issue with pins is that D_IRQ on the shield is D8 as you have stated,but D8 doesn’t support interrupts on Panda,so I have to use thread to poll the touch events.

So you kind of implemented SPI in software ?

Here is the link for touch driver:


Thank you !

Hello Architect,

I’m following your project with great interest and so far it looks very promising.

My first and biggest question is of it also can work on a Fez Mini?

Also looking at your touch interface you report back only the coordinates, does it not give also the press, move, release actions back? (i do not know that ic) just wondering.

Good luck


FEZ min or FEZ Panda…all are from the same happy family. We do not limit software on any of our devices.

Yeah i know Gus,

I was more looking at the pins availably on the mini then to the software restriction :smiley:

FEZ Mini has plenty of pins.

You will not be able to use the shield, obviously. But other than that it will work for sure.

@ nielsnl should work but you’ll have to use other pins (UEXT ?!) for the touch interface because (as I can see on the brochure) Mini doesn’t have Di11 to Di13.

LCD needs 12 pins and touch needs 5 pins.

Using UEXT for the touch interface would mean you can use hardware SPI witch is better because the software implementation doesn’t work well if other threads are running.

The touch “irq” pin is low when pressed and hi when released but for move some custom code is necessary


I have overlooked your question about - press,release, move. I will be updating the driver to add SPI and will extend the events as well.


The shield pins for SD and touch are :

Di8    D_IRQ
Di9    D_OUT
Di10  SD_CS/D_CS
Di11  SD_IN
Di12  SD_OUT
Di13  SD_CLK
A0     D_IN
A1     D_CLK

Where D_* are the touch pins and SD_* the SD pins

If I’ll never insert a SD card is it safe to short D_OUT<->SD_OUT, D_IN<->SD_IN, D_CLK<->SD_CLK so I could use SPI for the touch interface ?

I don’t see why not. There is also a switch on the shield for touch or sd card. I think sd will not work unless you flip the switch from touch to sd.

Hi guys!

I got myself two of this iTead displays, do you guys have any new code that is faster then the 1.5 min it is now? I really would like to use those displays but they are really much to slow right now :frowning:


According to Gus, new update is coming out in a few days. It will have parallel output port support.

I will update Fezzer code right after that.

Full screen update is about 50ms!! Love it

Wow! That is great news! I can’t wait for it to try, guess I have to wait a few more days then :slight_smile:

Thank you guys!

Are we there yet ;D

Not that I know of. But don’t worry the new release post will be all over the site and the forum. :smiley:

I really can’t wait to try it, to be honest the displays are unusable now, even a simple clock is taking a few seconds to refresh :slight_smile:

Do you think it will take you a long time to change your code to the new methode?