If you like history

Pick a year and see major events.


(you may need to zoom in to read those birthdays due to GHI’s automatic resizer…)

Ha ha. Good one Ian.

My Skype just reminded me who’s birthday it was too. Happy Birthday Gary. Here’s an upside down cake just for you.


Perhaps the title of the thread should have been “If you like ancient history” :dance:


Happy Birthday Gary! Both Skype and my phone reminded me. I guess they are synced.

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Happy birthday Gary !

Happy Birthday Gary!!


I’m kind of new and don’t understand the joke. But Happy Birthday!


Rotate the picture so it’s upside down or sideways. Gary is/was well known for posting pics where you got a sore neck trying to look at them. :slight_smile:

I spent too much time looking through this, lol.

I did find out that Sinead O’conner was like two weeks older than me, though.

Much like YouTube. You watch the video someone posted and then spend the next few hours watching more. Complete time waster (but fun)

@ mtylerjr - [quote]I did find out that Sinead O’conner was like two weeks older than me, though.

So how is your vocal range? Being born 2 weeks off, you should be singing and recording music!

So how is your vocal range? Being born 2 weeks off, you should be singing and recording music!

Well, I don’t like to brag, but No 1 compares 2 me.


I don’t know how I missed this but “thank you” and I have just now created a new list, which I didn’t think was possible!

Thank you Mr. Smith!

Thank you sir, so far you are the only one to not end up a dreadful list.

There are no words to describe my feeling towards you…

Thank you!

no one asked you to comment mr.