Idea for a module... interest?

I have an idea for a module, but because of certain… possibilities, I’m not prepared to discuss it out in the open (yet). I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in the idea. Probably we’re talking corporations here, not individuals. It could have commercial potential, or maybe not. This has potential as a Gadgeteer module, and probably as a separate module for use by any hobbyist microcontroller setup (in the same package, hopefully!).

I am not a corporation, but I am interested. ;D

Do you have a way to contact you privately? I’ll explain my idea and why I’m hesitant to blurt it out :’(

Yes my e-mail is on my profile page.

I’m also interested in the idea, so if there is room for one more, you could send me a message to whuysentruit [at] fastload-media [dot] be
