I should know this (But I don't)

Can anyone tell me how to do this

            GT.Interfaces.DigitalInput RecieveData = extender.SetupDigitalInput(Socket.Pin.Six, GlitchFilterMode.On, ResistorMode.PullUp);
GT.Interfaces.DigitalOutput ReceiveClock = extender.SetupDigitalOutput(Socket.Pin.Seven, false);

in NETMF 4.3?

extender.SetupDigialInput and SetupDigitalOutput don’t exist, and extender.CreateDigitalInput and CreateDigitalOutput complain about not being able to implicity convert Gadgeteer.SocketInterfaces.DigitalOutput to Gadgeteer.Socket.SocketInterfaces.DigitalOutput.

Any thoughts?


Not sure what hardware main processor board you have but for the G400 I use.

using GHI.Pins;

OutputPort LED = new OutputPort(G400.PD3, false);
InputPort LRD0 = new InputPort(G400.PD24, true, Port.ResistorMode.Pullup);


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Phil, I am using a Spider, which I’ve spent all day battling with to get 4.3.4 on it. Machine is now complaining about needing a different .Net Gadgeteer Core, which I just installed too.

Wrong reference or/and target framework.

Did you create new project from scratch or trying an “old” project?

Thought I’d done both with no luck. Now VS is complaining about not having the correct core installed so I’m trying that now and we’ll see how we get on. I’ll post back soon.

So this works

OutputPort receiveClock;
InputPort receiveData;
var ext = GT.Socket.GetSocket(8, true, extender, (string)null);
receiveClock = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)ext.CpuPins[3], false);
receiveData = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)ext.CpuPins[4], false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

But given that Gadgeteer is supposed to be simple, why is using

apparently so counter intuitive?

Any ideas?

@ Jason - Sorry Jason I don’t use the Gadgeteer environment at all.

Nice work on your recent PCB though, enjoying your posts!
