
I see the forum is now named:

“.NET Gadgeteer (FEZ Spider & FEZ Hydra)”

Do tell…pretty please :slight_smile:



take a look at [url]http://tinyclr.com/forum/20/4518/[/url]. THat’s all we know so far. Gus likes to build up the anticipation before a new product release!

I am trying to listen to what you guys are expecting to see. It is only exciting to GHI if we actually have made something that gets you all excited :slight_smile:

Another reason is that we need to make couple final decisions before we make an official announcement. We should have it all up this week.


Some crazy person put an “I Love FEZ” overlay right over all the important parts, though. Fire your art department, sir :slight_smile:


Actually no! Architect already noticed the part I intentionally left in the image :slight_smile:

This has gone on long enough. It is not nice to tease our community prior to new announcements. This seems to be happening on a regular basis.

Will we continue to take this abuse? NOOOOOOOOOO!

I wish to pre-announce the “Occupy GHI” movement. This will be our chance to show our displeasure at being given hints about new goodies. No more hints, give us the real stuff. We have lost enough sleep thinking about what is to come.

Move details to come. Pack you bags, and get ready!

Ok ok, enough teasing. Please swing by our office and I will give you full details along with a free FEZ Hydra maybe :slight_smile:

It is only 2 hour flight :wink: