Https data stream issue

                #region Control if we still have enough free ram (memory leak in https) and evtl. prepare for resetting the mainboard
                uint remainingRam = Debug.GC(false);            // Get remaining Ram because of the memory leak in https
                bool willReboot = (remainingRam < freeRamThreshold);     // If the ram is below this value, the Mainboard will reboot
                if (willReboot)
                    forceSend = true;
                    switchMessage = "Going to reboot the Mainboard due to not enough free RAM";

              ...... do your writing to the cloud...

 #region Prepare rebooting of the mainboard e.g. if not enough ram due to memory leak
                if (_willRebootAfterNextEvent)
                    Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PowerState.RebootDevice(true, 3000);
                if (willReboot)
                { _willRebootAfterNextEvent = true; }

Ok I will think about it later. Now Iā€™m worried about process time of GetRequestStream() method - it takes about 1 sec! Is it normal?

Here is the code:

int poczatek = Environment.TickCount;
                /* Data to be sent */
                String temp =   "{\r\n";
                temp +=         "  \"stream_id\": \"" + streamId + "\",\r\n";
                temp +=         "  \"stream_type\": \"STRING\",\r\n";
                temp +=         "  \"value\": \"" + streamValue + "\"\r\n";
                temp +=         "}\r\n";
                byte[] data = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(temp);

                /* Request URL */
                Uri url = new Uri("");
                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
                Debug.Print("1: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Request Method */
                request.Method = "POST";

                /* Request Credentials */
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(dcUsername, dcPassword, AuthenticationType.Basic);

                /* Request other settings */
                request.KeepAlive = false;
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";
                Debug.Print("2: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Prepare Stream */
                Stream dataStream;
                Debug.Print("2.5: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                Debug.Print("3: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Write data to Stream and close */
                dataStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                Debug.Print("4: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Get response */
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();     
                //Debug.Print("Response status: " + ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode);
                Stream respData = response.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(respData);
                Debug.Print("5: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Read response */
                char[] read = new char[256];
                int count = reader.Read(read, 0, 256);
                while (count > 0)
                    // Dump the 256 characters on a string and display the string onto the console.
                    String str = new String(read, 0, count);
                    count = reader.Read(read, 0, 256);
                Debug.Print("6: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");
                /* Clean up the streams */
                Debug.Print("7: " + (Environment.TickCount - poczatek).ToString() + " ms");

And here the result of 2 iterations:

1: 9 ms
2: 18 ms
2.5: 19 ms
3: 1521 ms
4: 1528 ms
5: 1908 ms
6: 1925 ms
7: 1942 ms
1: 9 ms
2: 18 ms
2.5: 19 ms
3: 985 ms
4: 992 ms
5: 1367 ms
6: 1384 ms
7: 1401 ms