How to use Glide

How do I use the

and I want to save and restore it. I do not want to calibrate every time I start up.
There is no good example I could find.

using GHI.Glide;
using GHI.Glide.Display;
using GHI.Glide.UI;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using System.Threading;

namespace TouchLogger
    public class MicGlide
        private static Window window;
        private static CalibrationWindow calibrationWindow;

        const int CAL_POINTS = 5;

        public void Init()
            CalibrationSettings cal = new Glide.CalibrationSettings();
            cal.SX = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 240, 48, 48, 432, 432 };
            cal.SY = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 136, 26, 246, 246, 26 };
            cal.CX = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 478, 189, 169, 781, 790 };
            cal.CY = new short[CAL_POINTS] { 481, 238, 741, 767, 231 };

            window = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window));


            var Button = (Button)window.GetChildByName("Button");
            Button.TapEvent += OnTap;

            var Text = (PasswordBox)window.GetChildByName("Text");
            Text.TapEvent += OnTap;

            calibrationWindow = new CalibrationWindow(false, false);
            calibrationWindow.CloseEvent += OnCalClose;

            if (GlideTouch.Calibrated == false)

                Glide.MainWindow = calibrationWindow;
                Glide.MainWindow = window;

            while (Glide.MainWindow == calibrationWindow)

        private static void OnTap1(object sender)
            Debug.Print("Button tapped.");

        private static void OnTap(object sender)
            Glide.MainWindow = calibrationWindow;

        private static void OnCalClose(object sender)
            Glide.MainWindow = window;

Very nice thank you

How to I change the designer

to have a 480*270 screen.
If I change it in the XML.
Some part are not shown on the browser