If i look at my Forum Posts it says "Senior with 5,060 exp"
When I go the Rewards site It says “You have 4,570 points.”
I never used any of the Points for something.
These are different points. Exp is your overall score on the forum. Rewards points are what you can spend for rewards.
I think the profile should show both. And the rewards page should also show both with an explanation of the difference.
@ Reinhard Ostermeier - Here is one of the old threads with explanation:
But shouldn’t I be a Master now, according to the Experiance table?
Not that it is important, but hey …
Log out and log back in.
@ Reinhard Ostermeier - Here you go! Congratulations!
ah ok, that helped.
Thank you all.
You are welcome!
Experience and Points are now displayed on profiles. There is also a link to rewards when you have points.
Nice addition!
Not so important to me but i still find the system unclear… as you can see in the attachment there’s a text saying “You must achieve a rank of Hero…” but at the same time there’s a list below that text with an item “Master” and a click-able link.
As an extension to the reward system i think its nice for users to receive rewarding points when they can proof a bug in ghi part soft / firmware.
GHI used to give away exp points for certain things.
We will fix and clarify.
It should correctly show now.
@ Josh - Sorry if i am blond. I still not get it. See the 2 images
@ andre.m -
@ RobvanSchelven - You will get past the error you encountered if you try again.
@ Josh - Wahu… now it works… Thanks
Assuming I have enough total points, can coupons be combined together to increase the discount?