Hit the Limit


Pyxis 2 has been split up into its new parts, and is running very well now. In fact, I’ve just finished the latest control to be added to Pyxis; the RichTextLabel.

It’s hard to get a decent picture of it so there’s a screen-cap from the emulator below. And yes, I am using the Picture Viewer app as a testbed; quickest place to throw it in.

Code for the label:

RichTextLabel rtlbl1 = new RichTextLabel("<b>Welcome to Skewworks!</b> From this <i>microWeb App</i> (uWA) you will be able to view updates and information regarding <font name=\"gothic\"><b><i>Pyxis 2</b></i></font> and other <font name=\"timesroman\">Skewworks</font> products. Choose an area below to continue.", Colors.Wheat, 4, 40, frmMain.Width - 8, frmMain.Height - 44);