Help me, please

Hello, I just did the evidence already, and nothing works nor the servo, nor appears the times

Not even the blue light of my netduino turns on, only the white light. It is assumed that when I upload the code usually turn on the light blue?

OK, so if nothing works, throw the whole code away and start from first principles. Start a fresh project, and make LEDs flash. That’s the first project I give you . Second project, is detect when a switch gets closed. That can simply be when you connect a wire from a digital input pin to GND and 3v3.

Tests carried out, flashing leds without any problem, and detector switch made

great. Expand that to use the photodiode trigger and the other devices you have, connected to the same pins. And then change to use Interrupts instead of input ports.

This all begins to imply to me either you have a wiring difference to what the code expects, or there’s a fundamental problem with the supplied code, and only YOU or the original author will be in a position to diagnose it. Nobody here is likely to offer to buy these components and make a similar test. Visual Studio has great breakpoints, and you can debug it. But you might actually need to read the code and try to figure out how it’s meant to work !