

I was wondering if anyone has used the 44780 LCD in their projects for the Fez Panda II. I have tried to implement one that was written for the Netduino with no luck. Does anyone have a simple example and driver they could send or share with me. I have hit the wall…

Those ate very simple. Why the code you found didn’t work?

I guess I need to know what code I should be using…

I had been looking at this…

I could not get it to work. Maybe I just need another place to look…

Thanks by the way…

The blog shows exactly what you need to use the driver and points to the driver here http://microliquidcrystal.codeplex.com/

By the way, our code share has hundreds of drivers, including what you need http://code.tinyclr.com/project/51/lcd-and-keypad-shield/