We had a meeting today about our up coming projects we need to complete this year.
I laid on the table all the deices and modules that can be used and how quickly we can use them given our expertise of them. One of the devices i had on the table was GHI’s EMX module. Many of the guys never heard of .netmf, and so i filled them in as best i could. Needless to say they were all very intrigued about .netmf and like me feel it might be the best way to go.
I told them that GHI is the best company to get stuff from, and their support is awesome. So we brought a laptop in the meeting room and went through most of GHI’s site. The question that was asked over and over was “why dont they have more higher end embedded modules, why all the kits.”
I tried to explain that kits help people learn things quicker than spinning their own board, and working any kinks out which all takes time. The consensus of the meeting was, we dont want to take the time to make our own modules, we are quite happy with buying one providing the cost is low.
So i know from being in this forum that GHI like to keep a tight lip on whats going on, but i have to ask.
What are GHI’s road map for this year ?
I.E. what are the plans for making more higher end smaller modules like the EMX ?
I am sure they have them on customer by customer basis. With the high end modules It is more efficient to make it to your specific requirements than publicly offer one that “fits them all”.
true if your looking for rock bottom low cost. However i see no reason they should not offer something like the size of the EMX module or smaller but with more speed. Sure there is the ChipworkX Module but its cost in our opinion is far to high.
If you have commercial concerns, probably best to work direct with GHI too. They listen to the community here, but real customers who have quantity beyond enthusiasts like most of us here would ever want would be more compelling to them.
I would expect they have an NDA program if it came to commercial relationships, so they could then disclose what you need to know and reinforce the decision.
You made one little mistake You didn’t call GHI and talk to us directly. So, lets have a conference call and show the commercial side of GHI, which is where GHI started before we got into education and hobby markets as well.
That’s great to know, but why not make these higher end devices available. I understand there are probably NDA reasons, but still why limit yourself mainly to the enthusiasts / hobbyists ?
If you had more higher end (faster & smaller) modules out there available just to click and buy rather than to have to take the time and expense of working with GHI, to come up with a tailor made board, and then going through pre-production trials.
I would far rather buy a module and slap it into my board and get to market faster. Crating a new board would seriously delay that option. Not to mention that if there was a module out there already there would be others out there who would also be playing with it, and there would be much source examples out there.
ok will do, for a moment there with Mike saying “Gus, I applaud you patience!” i was like what the heck did i do now. just merely asking for a road map.