Getting started with FEZ Spider Kit for Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer

The code you have mentioned doesn’t have full solution project. When you create the new project you have to add usbhost and sd card modules in the designer and connect them. Visual studio will create missing variables and some other code that instantiate the actual instances.

I did start a new project, build the hardware by draging and dropping the components, connected the components to the proper sockets then copied the program into the project.

Can you please show a screenshot of the visual designer with the modules in question?

I can[t seem to get the print screen image to a program that I can attach to this forum. The modules are:

Spider board
USB Client
USB host
SD Card

I’m doing all of this to test out the Spider board I would have thought there are some simple programs already out there to be used to check these components.

Are the names of the modules in designer same as in the code you have copied? ( The names of variables are under the module picture. )

The names appear to be the same. I got an image…

@ Curtis Martin, the Spider is a very new platform, and the first of the Gadgeteer modules, so you are somewhat on the leading edge here. That doesn’t mean there are problems or such, just that the depth of sample applications from the community is not going to be comprehensive.

I think I see the problem.

Make sure the namespaces are the same. You have spidersoragetest and the code you have copied uses StorageTests. Make sure you are using consistent namespace name.

I don’t believe “spidersoragetest” is in the code it is only the name of the project. I notice I left out the “t” in storage, ha. The namespace is “StorageTest” unchanged from the file I copied over.

What’s happening is the generated code is using the namespace set by the project, but you have a different namespace in your code. To confirm, take a look at the generated program cs file (the one that is under the designer file)

To fix: Right click the project, click “Properties” and set the namespace field to be whatever you’re using elsewhere in code. Then rebuild the solution (using the Rebuild menu option under Build)


Thanks for the comments Pete. There is no generated code because of the errors. i will try the fix you mentioned.

Screenshot error messages show that.

It works now! The main error was corrected by changing the namespace in the “Properties” to match the code I copied over. Thanks for this, but back to the main problem. The little camera program doesn’t work for me. a lot of time spent trying to diagnose the root issue.

Can anyone out there take the little camera code I put in in an earlier reply and run it on their system to check out the code? It runs without error but as you can follow through this my system isn’t working. it was the first project I have done. I have big ideas for future work but wanted to start with a simple project to see success.

I worked through a few issues with the button and found out that the USB host card works but there are still issues pending. Mainly the program/hardware isn’t working correctly. I have asked if the screen after bootup and if the program is loaded should remain with the startup system data? How can the camera be tested? I did plug it inot the USB client and the PC recognized it was there but could not get an image.

We are working on posting little code snippet for each module, stay tuned.