Microsoft is designing a new prototyping system called Gadgeteer. What is so sweet about this module is that it uses the same processor module we have in FEZ Cobra. It has a similar concept of what we have on this website, easy prototyping. We are still discussing options with Microsoft on how Gadgeteer can be brought to your desk at a very affordable price…so stay tuned for future news
It was very hard to actually determine it was Microsoft. There were no Microsoft signs visible. One gentleman did have Microsoft on his name tag. Must be the “Evil Empire” syndrome.
But, there was one very prominent sign at the Microsoft/Gadgeteer area…
Ok, but this way you can only use these sensors with this board.
Or, you should add cables or design some sort of shield to connect it to fez…
Not so smart in my opinion
This whole system is still in Microsoft research labs I think and things may change in future. I am sure this will be studied well before it is in production.
I do too!
Shield have the limitation of it usage to one particular format, or form factor, only.
We could use an Arduino shield with FEZ Panda, or FEZ Domino with ease, but not with anything else.
As a module you can easily connect to everything else.
All ports on board already without need for a seperate i/o board
Standard port naming on board and devices (which ports they can plug into) - ala GarAnimals tags
Standard port connectors for everything.
Diasey-chain some components?
cable converters to change/wire existing components to same plug?
hmm. Being easily composable as an assumed goal, wonder how things like functional pipelines may now be fezy with plugable components.
mp3 => decoder => mixer => lights => recorder => speaker.
And be able to remove and change state of components in the path via software. Erik Meijer of MS would have a field day in this area. I hope Colin may spend a few hours with Erik over this some time soon.