Gadgeteer vs Arduino vs Phidgets (blog post)

W00t! Too bad they didn’t include a picture of “The Gadgeteer” :wink:


@ ianlee74 - I was hoping they would put up some of the video but hey, we still made it to the blog! Great job Mr. Lee!

Just left a comment (I think…hard to tell if it worked, sometimes) touting the ease of debugging with Gadgeteer.

The commenter who pointed out the rich set of libraries that’s available for Arduino is spot-on, but while that’s great for simple stuff, when something doesn’t work you’re left spitting stuff out to the serial monitor. Ugh!

Would much rather just set a breakpoint and step through the code.

Hey…maybe we should do a video comparing debugging on Arduino vs. Gadgeteer. :slight_smile:

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@ devhammer - maybe that is the response that you should leave regarding the libraries. :smiley:

Time, as ever, is my enemy there. Video takes time to do right, particularly when you’re a perfectionist. :slight_smile:

@ devhammer - I posted a comment on HaD to give you time to work on the video. :wink:

Hmm…looks like my comment didn’t get posted. Sigh.