G30 Prototype PCB Troubleshooting

@Brett I don’t understand this part of the example you showed me:

  public void DisplayAll(I2CDevice I2C_DEV, string[] Display)
        ArrayList AList = new ArrayList();
        foreach (string s in Display) { AList.Add((char[])s.ToCharArray()); }
        SendCommand(I2C_DEV, 0x01);      <-------why are they sending 0x01 here?
        int LineID = 0;
        foreach(char[] cha in AList)
            if (LineID >= DISPLAY_LINES) break;
            SendCommand(I2C_DEV, Line_Adresses[LineID]);
            int CharID = 0;
            foreach(char c in cha)
                if (CharID >= DISPLAY_CHARS) break;
                SendData(I2C_DEV, (byte)c);

so I need to convert my strings to a char array and send one character at a time?

Ok I got the screen working, shorted it out almost immediately but did take a nice video for my boss haha