Every G30 I ever bricked is practically a dead short. I have also seen behavior just like what you are describing but I can’t remember the exact cause.
Woah. I really hope everything works out for you.
FEZ Config → Advanced (The one at the top next to About) → G30 → select a port → select a version ( you gotta have the file of course) → I think you can take it from here. I can’t remember if you have to mess with the LDR pins or not. I dont think so. I think you only have to do that if netmf is already installed.
You will occasionally get a G30 without netmf. I get that at about 5% rate and I’ve maybe bought like 50 or so. I’m about to buy a ton of these and I’m not looking forward to checking on that. Know this is the case if you are going to mass produce.
Your electrical issue: that’s gonna be tough to offer help if you can’t share. If I’m able I will try to help, though.