G120E pin driver ability for LED

We are creating a commercial product and curretnly testing our prototype. We are using PO_11,P2_22,PO_1 and PO_10 to drive some leds.

It appears that PO_11 and PO_10 will not toggle the output to drive the LED, is their any document to show the pins abilities?

@ anthonys - Do you need to sink or source power to the LED?
Also are they blue LEDs or run of the mill Green / Red / Yellow?

@ anthonys - https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/man/G120_and_G120E_Datasheet.pdf lists the functions of all of the pins. The pins you mentioned are also COM3.

Setup to drive LEDS, all using 331 resistor in series

P2_22, yellow, working fine
PO_1, blue, working fine
PO_10, red always ON

SINK or SOURCE? (SINK) drive the output LOW to switch on the LED or (SOURCE) drive the output HIGH to switch on the LED.

What is the current for each LED?

I am using Source, i am toggling the pins and yellow/blue leds toggle as required

If you connect a scope to the output, can you detect any change in the output as it switches.

Another test is to set the port as an input and use the internal PULLDOWN resistor and see if the port goes LOW. If it remains HIGH then you have a VCC short on that pin.