G120 Memory Usage

Since it appears the G120 module has serial external flash is it correct to assume that program code is loaded from the flash into RAM at startup and executed from RAM?


Why asking?

I’m trying to understand memory usage. If the application code is loaded into RAM for execution then the amount of RAM available for data is reduced by the size of the application.


Your app is 50KB at most and SDRAM is 16000KB :slight_smile: Would it matter?


Is that really the best attitude for someone who is in the business of supplying hardware to fellow hardware hackers and programers to cultivate? What if he ends up working on a project with a 100K executable and needs to port it to a cerb40 or a netduino or a cerbee and it makes every difference in the world.

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Synapsys is considered a friend. He has been around here for a long time. Plus we have relaxed atmosphere around here.

Also, your comment about other devices don’t apply as those devices do not have external memory.

Please let us know if you have questions and we will try our best to help.

Gus thanks for the kind words :slight_smile: I am a friend of GHI. Let me explain myself.

I am a 65 year old retired computer systems engineer. Back in the '70s I was employed at HP as a computer systems instructor. I taught both hardware and software to HP customers and field service reps. I have been working with microprocessor chips since they were invented. I worked on an Intel 4004 that was used as the basis of HPs first smart terminal.

These days I tinker around with all sorts of new microprocessor based projects simply to keep my mind occupied (I don’t play golf). I have no motivation for asking these types of questions other than to learn new things. As you can imagine todays microprocessors are quite different from those available in the '70s and '80s.

BTW: This clearly answers my question :slight_smile:

Again thanks for the kind words.


Correct. If I had said, yes it is copied to RAM then this will raise necessary concerns. Which is why I wanted to know why you are asking to let you know this is something that no one should worry about.

@ synapsys.

Retired’ish engineer here, started programming the year Star Wars was released. Hackers have a certain mindframe and want to know how stuff works, I like to know what is going on. Doubly so for us former nuclear types.

@ Gus, i knew you were kidding, I don’t post much but I’ve done .netmf for about three years. I saw the concerns about the program being copied to memory right off on the SOMs.