G120/G120HDR Display Support Status

The support status of T35/TE35 or CP7 for G120HDR in developer page, says TBA, to be announced.

G120HDR v4.2.7.0 are working with TE35 until update to v4.2.8.0 with new sdk.

My short question is : the support status for G120/G120HDR and Cobra II is the same? The TE35 are working on Cobra II?


All should work fine. We just never gotten to completing the wiki yet.

Thanks Gus for your prompt response.

I’m using WIN8 and sdk 02.01.2013
After downgrade G120HDR to V4.2.7 in another system “Win7” with sdk 11.29.2012… works fine again!

Now will try to install the new sdk on this “Win7”, update again to 4.2.8 and come back with results.


Latest SDK is found under beta section on this forum. Please use that.

Ok, The same problem.

In order to reproduce this fail, anybody can test the next code on their G120HDR and TE35?


    public partial class Program
        void ProgramStarted()
            GT.Timer timer = new GT.Timer(1000); // every second (1000ms)
            timer.Tick += new GT.Timer.TickEventHandler(timer_Tick);
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

        void timer_Tick(GT.Timer timer)
            display_TE35.SimpleGraphics.DisplayText(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("mm:ss"), Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.NinaB), GT.Color.Red, 10, 10);

ps: the exception…
#### Exception System.NotImplementedException - 0xca000000 (1) ####
#### Message:
#### Microsoft.SPOT.Bitmap::.ctor [IP: 0000] ####
#### Gadgeteer.Modules.Module+DisplayModule+SimpleGraphicsInterface::.ctor [IP: 001c] ####
#### Gadgeteer.Modules.Module+DisplayModule::get_SimpleGraphics [IP: 000b] ####

@ Gus @ PepLluis I see the saem problem.

I was using Glide with the G120HDR to test it out and it would stop working after a random period of time with no errors.

I just had a timer incrementing an int and writing it to a label. Didn’t debug further as it was only an experiment.

The problem in this thread is related to an error in the beta SDK. Thus will be fixed in few days.

Thanks Gus :slight_smile:

Can the T touch socket on the T43 be connected to the G120HDR User or SPI sockets?.. Or does G120 not support touch?

Hi Rian,

I am working with a board design for the G120HDR and want to have touch with the TE35. As far as I can see, there is no native touch in the framework for it.

I have however just completed a driver (thanks to someone else on Codeshare) for a custom LCD panel with a ChipworkX module and this will work with the G120HDR that I have too when the board is completed.

The TE35 touch connector is only the 4 wires of the touch screen so you need a driver IC to interface this to the G120. The TSC2046 is ideal for this. It connects to the G120 SPI1 and then all you need is suitable drivers. Other ideas I have seen but not tried, is to connect to the analog inputs of the G120.

See fez cobra schematics for the T socket connections