Fezpanel startup exception fix

Think the exception some people are hitting (including me) is a null exception. Replacing “ToString()” with “as string;” should fix this startup issue for some. Have not looked much farther beyond this yet. See last line below. Not sure where to post this.

        void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
            string[] listPorts = new string[cboxComPorts.Items.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < cboxComPorts.Items.Count; i++)
                listPorts[i] = cboxComPorts.Items[i].ToString();

            if (ports != listPorts)

                string lastPort = Application.UserAppDataRegistry.GetValue("LastPort", null) as string; //.ToString();

Very nice, William.

Did you commit this code to the wiki?

I did some comment, but was not sure if that was wiki or not. I will check again.

Are you guys talking about (link removed) wiki or is it something else. Curious about FEZPanel but can’t find it there. Found it on http://www.ravenlabs.org/news.php though.

(link removed)

I found with a search at top of projects page.

I used “FEZPanel” to search :-[