I’d take it if I were you!
Rob’s good company to be in anyway…
I’d take it if I were you!
Rob’s good company to be in anyway…
Hum… ok I’ll ping him then.
Ok so I got the EVAL6470 board and I think I am about to learn a hard and expensive lesson. Taking a look at the picture you can see the Fez Domino connected to the EVAL6470 via an Omlex cable. However, can I actually connect those via that cable? The Fez has a UEXT while the EVAL calls it master SPI.
Looking at the pinouts I’m wondering if they are actually compatible. now I know the Fez can redefine it’s pins however I think that power and ground may be in bad places on both ends of this cable.
Are the 2 devices compatible?
Split the cable on domino side and connect it to any pins you want.
I take it that’s a No to the compatibility thing? Hum.
I don’t know. Do you have a spec on that thing?
The spec sheet is on this page [url]http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/251054.jsp[/url] on the pdf, page3.
Yes, connectors are not compatible. As I mention before you can modify domino side of the cable or make an adapter.
It sould be possible to swap around the cables
EDIT: No it’s not. Breaking apart the connector and modifying the cables
Anything is possible
Some times those connectors are able to be taken apart carefully and re-used - but in my experience they aren’t. Maybe I’m heavy handed
Replacements though are available. Depending on where you are, they should be easy (heck in AU I can get them from Jaycar, under 20 mins drive to the closest one to me). With a replacement in hand, take the connector off, split the wires and adjust the layout as you need, then re-crimp.
You could also do a hardwired breakout box. That involves cutting the cable inthe middle, and re-soldering the wires back together how you need them
As Architect also suggests, you could create an adapter - you could even do it with some jumper wires and a breadboard if that was what you had on hand.
Personally I’d go with buying a handful of connectors and a few metres of ribbon cable, and being able to make up my own for this purpose and any others in the future you might want.
I ended up cutting and jacking the wires under a shield. The multimeter says that they are connected. Now to finish that driver
Looks flimsy, but will work as temporary solution I guess.
A more secure solution is on it’s way [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Arduino-6-socket-IDC-SPI-Shield-two-Free-2-3pin-cable-/270792609071?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0c7f4d2f[/url] but that looks like it’s going to take a month to get here sigh
Now I know Thanks Arc
I would use cheapest board from radio shack and couple of connector and make an adapter. Something like this:
Keep in mind that, thanks to an “epic fail” moment in the beginning of the Arduino project, all the headers don’t line up nicely on a .1" grid. There are various solutions to this problem:
I was thinking more of a stand alone adapter than a shield. Never done shields before - good to know about the “epic fail” though.
So all adrunio shields have this inherent flaw in their design? that is epic.
Yep! most shield vendors stock the (epic mistake offset) headers seen below, so one can do a DIY arduino shield with a standard protoboard, and not have to bend each pin by hand!
OMG! a guy’s epic fail created a product line. ;D
Yah, I cursed my way through a few homemade “bend it myself” shields before discovering these beauties! Another reason to leave Arduinos in the dust… for faster cheaper better (designed) boards like the FEZ line.