FEZ Touch driver ver 2.2

If anyone is interested: I added also PortraitInverse to the FEZ Touch driver (Ver 2.2) as in my project it comes with the cable running away to my Panda II:

Copyright 2011 GHI Electronics LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, 
either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 

using System;
using System.Threading;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware;

namespace GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ
    public static partial class FEZ_Components
        public class FEZTouch : IDisposable
            #region Enumerated Values

            public enum Orientation
                Portrait = 0,
                Landscape = 1,
				LandscapeInverse = 2,
                PortraitInverse = 3

            public enum Color : ushort
                White = 0xFFFF,
                Black = 0x0000,
                Red = (0xFF >> 3) | ((0 & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0 & 0xF8) << 8),
                Blue = (0 >> 3) | ((0 & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0xFF & 0xF8) << 8),
				Green = (0 >> 3) | ((0xFF & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0 & 0xF8) << 8),
				Cyan = (0 >> 3) | ((0xFF & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0xFF & 0xF8) << 8),
                Gray = (0x80 >> 3) | ((0x80 & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0x80 & 0xF8) << 8),
				Magneta = (0xFF >> 3) | ((0 & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0xFF & 0xF8) << 8),
				Yellow = (0xFF >> 3) | ((0xFF & 0xFC) << 3) | ((0 & 0xF8) << 8),

			public enum PowerMode
				Normal = 0,
				Sleep = 1,
				StandBy = 2,
				DeepStandBy = 3

			public enum DisplayMode
				Normal = 0,
				Dim = 1,
				Off = 2


			#region Events

			public delegate void TouchEventHandler(int x, int y);

			public event TouchEventHandler TouchDownEvent = delegate { };
			public event TouchEventHandler TouchMoveEvent = delegate { };
			public event TouchEventHandler TouchUpEvent = delegate { };


			#region Constructors

            protected FEZTouch()
                // not allowed to call this constructor

            public FEZTouch(LCDConfiguration lcdConfig)

            public FEZTouch(LCDConfiguration lcdConfig, TouchConfiguration touchConfig)


            #region Destructors


            public void Dispose()
                if (this.disposed == false)
                    this.disposed = true;

                    if (this.spi != null)
                        this.terminateTouchThread = true;


                    this.TouchDownEvent = null;
					this.TouchMoveEvent = null;
					this.TouchUpEvent = null;



            #region Properties

            public int ScreenWidth
                    switch (this.lcdOrientation)
                        case Orientation.Landscape:
                        case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
                            return 320;
                            return 240;

            public int ScreenHeight
                    switch (this.lcdOrientation)
                        case Orientation.Landscape:
                        case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
                            return 240;
                            return 320;

            public Orientation actOrientation
                get { return this.lcdOrientation; }


			#region Control Methods

			private void InitLCD(LCDConfiguration lcdConfig)
				// save config values
				this.parallelPort = new ParallelPort(lcdConfig.DataPins, lcdConfig.WritePin, lcdConfig.ReadPin);
				this.lcdReset = new OutputPort(lcdConfig.Reset, true);
				this.lcdChipSelect = new OutputPort(lcdConfig.ChipSelect, true);
				this.lcdRegSelect = new OutputPort(lcdConfig.RS, true);
				this.lcdBackLight = new OutputCompare(lcdConfig.BackLight, true, 2);
				this.lcdOrientation = lcdConfig.LCDOrientation;

				// set initial power and display modes
				this.displayMode = DisplayMode.Normal;
				this.backlightLevel = 100;

				// toggle reset pin


				//************* Start Initial Sequence **********//
				this.WriteRegister(0x01, 0x0100); // set SS and SM bit
				this.WriteRegister(0x02, 0x0200); // set 1 line inversion
				switch (this.lcdOrientation)
					case Orientation.Portrait:
						// AM		=	0
						// ID1-ID0	=	10
						// ORG		=	1
						// HWM		=	1
						this.WriteRegister(0x03, 0x0230);
					case Orientation.Landscape:
						// AM		=	1
						// ID1-ID0	=	11
						// ORG		=	0
						// HWM		=	1
						this.WriteRegister(0x03, 0x02A8);
					case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
						// AM		=	1
						// ID1-ID0	=	01
						// ORG		=	0
						// HWM		=	1
						this.WriteRegister(0x03, 0x0298);
                    case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                        // AM		=	0
                        // ID1-ID0	=	00
                        // ORG		=	0
                        // HWM		=	1
                        this.WriteRegister(0x03, 0x0200);
				this.WriteRegister(0x04, 0x0000); // Resize register
				this.WriteRegister(0x08, 0x0207); // set the back porch and front porch
				this.WriteRegister(0x09, 0x0000); // set non-display area refresh cycle ISC[3:0]
				this.WriteRegister(0x0A, 0x0000); // FMARK function
				this.WriteRegister(0x0C, 0x0000); // RGB interface setting
				this.WriteRegister(0x0D, 0x0000); // Frame marker Position
				this.WriteRegister(0x0F, 0x0000); // RGB interface polarity

				//*************Power On sequence ****************//
				this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x0000); // SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB
				this.WriteRegister(0x11, 0x0007); // DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0]
				this.WriteRegister(0x12, 0x0000); // VREG1OUT voltage
				this.WriteRegister(0x13, 0x0000); // VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude
				this.WriteRegister(0x07, 0x0001);
				Thread.Sleep(200); // Dis-charge capacitor power voltage
				this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x1690); // SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB
				this.WriteRegister(0x11, 0x0227); // Set DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0]
				Thread.Sleep(50); // Delay 50ms
				this.WriteRegister(0x12, 0x000D); // 0012
				Thread.Sleep(50); // Delay 50ms
				this.WriteRegister(0x13, 0x1200); // VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude
				this.WriteRegister(0x29, 0x000A); // 04 VCM[5:0] for VCOMH
				this.WriteRegister(0x2B, 0x000D); // Set Frame Rate
				Thread.Sleep(50); // delay 50ms
				this.WriteRegister(0x20, 0x0000); // GRAM horizontal Address
				this.WriteRegister(0x21, 0x0000); // GRAM Vertical Address

				// ----------- Adjust the Gamma Curve ----------//
				this.WriteRegister(0x30, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x31, 0x0404);
				this.WriteRegister(0x32, 0x0003);
				this.WriteRegister(0x35, 0x0405);
				this.WriteRegister(0x36, 0x0808);
				this.WriteRegister(0x37, 0x0407);
				this.WriteRegister(0x38, 0x0303);
				this.WriteRegister(0x39, 0x0707);
				this.WriteRegister(0x3C, 0x0504);
				this.WriteRegister(0x3D, 0x0808);

				//------------------ Set GRAM area ---------------//
				this.WriteRegister(0x50, 0x0000); // Horizontal GRAM Start Address
				this.WriteRegister(0x51, 0x00EF); // Horizontal GRAM End Address
				this.WriteRegister(0x52, 0x0000); // Vertical GRAM Start Address
				this.WriteRegister(0x53, 0x013F); // Vertical GRAM Start Address
				this.WriteRegister(0x60, 0xA700); // Gate Scan Line
				this.WriteRegister(0x61, 0x0001); // NDL, VLE, REV
				this.WriteRegister(0x6A, 0x0000); // set scrolling line

				//-------------- Partial Display Control ---------//
				this.WriteRegister(0x80, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x81, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x82, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x83, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x84, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x85, 0x0000);

				//-------------- Panel Control -------------------//
				this.WriteRegister(0x90, 0x0010);
				this.WriteRegister(0x92, 0x0000);
				this.WriteRegister(0x07, 0x0133); // 262K color and display ON


			private void InitTouch(TouchConfiguration touchConfig)
				this.spi = new SPI(new SPI.Configuration(touchConfig.ChipSelect, false, 1, 1, false, true, 2000, touchConfig.Channel));
				this.touchIRQ = new InputPort(touchConfig.TouchIRQ, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
				this.terminateTouchThread = false;
				this.touchThread = new Thread(this.TouchThread);
				this.touchThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

			public void SetPowerMode(PowerMode powerMode)
				if (this.powerMode != powerMode)
					// save power mode
					this.powerMode = powerMode;

					// set new power mode

					switch (this.powerMode)
						case PowerMode.Normal:
							this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x1690);
						case PowerMode.Sleep:
							this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x1691);
						case PowerMode.StandBy:
							this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x1692);
						case PowerMode.DeepStandBy:
							this.WriteRegister(0x10, 0x1694);


			public void SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode)
				if (this.displayMode != displayMode)
					// save display mode
					this.displayMode = displayMode;

					// set new display mode

					switch (this.displayMode)
						case DisplayMode.Normal:
							this.WriteRegister(0x07, 0x0133);
						case DisplayMode.Dim:
							this.WriteRegister(0x07, 0x0133);
						case DisplayMode.Off:
							this.WriteRegister(0x07, 0x0131);


			public void SetBackLightLevel(int backlightLevel)
				// check for valid parameters
				if (backlightLevel < 0 || backlightLevel > 100)
					throw new ArgumentException();

				if (this.backlightLevel != backlightLevel)
					// save back light level
					this.backlightLevel = backlightLevel;

					// set new back light level
					if (this.backlightLevel == 0)
					else if (this.backlightLevel == 100)
						const int PERIOD = 10000;
						int highTime = PERIOD * this.backlightLevel / 100;
						this.lcdBackLight.Set(true, new uint[2] { (uint)highTime, (uint)(PERIOD - highTime) }, 0, 2, true);


			#region Drawing Methods

			public void ClearScreen()
                this.FillRectangle(0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Black);  // fill screen with black

            public Color ColorFromRGB(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
                return (Color)((red >> 3) | ((green & 0xFC) << 3) | ((blue & 0xF8) << 8));

			private void SetPixelAddress(int x, int y)
				this.WriteRegister(0x20, (ushort)x);
				this.WriteRegister(0x21, (ushort)y);

			private void SetDrawingWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
				// pixel address
				this.SetPixelAddress(x, y);

				// window
				this.WriteRegister(0x50, (ushort)x);
				this.WriteRegister(0x52, (ushort)y);
				this.WriteRegister(0x51, (ushort)(x + width - 1));
				this.WriteRegister(0x53, (ushort)(y + height - 1));

            public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
                if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= this.ScreenWidth || y >= this.ScreenHeight)
                    throw new ArgumentException("SetPixel: Invalid parameter values.");


                this.buffer[0] = (byte)((int)color >> 8);
                this.buffer[1] = (byte)(color);

                this.SetDrawingWindow(x, y, 1, 1);

                this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, 2);


            public void DrawLine(int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd, Color color)
				if (xStart < 0 || yStart < 0 || xStart >= this.ScreenWidth || yStart >= this.ScreenHeight)
                    throw new ArgumentException("DrawLine: Invalid start position values.");

				if (xEnd < 0 || yEnd < 0 || xEnd >= this.ScreenWidth || yEnd >= this.ScreenHeight)
					throw new ArgumentException("DrawLine: Invalid end position values.");

				// translate coordinates based on display orientation
				int x0 = 0;
				int y0 = 0;
				int x1 = 0;
				int y1 = 0;
				switch (this.lcdOrientation)
					case Orientation.Portrait:
						x0 = xStart;
						y0 = yStart;
						x1 = xEnd;
						y1 = yEnd;
					case Orientation.Landscape:
						x0 = SCREEN_WIDTH - yStart - 1;
						y0 = xStart;
						x1 = SCREEN_WIDTH - yEnd - 1;
						y1 = xEnd;
					case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
						x0 = yStart;
						y0 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - xStart - 1;
						x1 = yEnd;
						y1 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - xEnd - 1;
                    case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                        x0 = SCREEN_WIDTH - xStart - 1;
                        y0 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yStart - 1;
                        x1 = SCREEN_WIDTH - xEnd - 1;
                        y1 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yEnd - 1;


                this.buffer[0] = (byte)((int)color >> 8);
                this.buffer[1] = (byte)(color);

                int dy = y1 - y0;
                int dx = x1 - x0;

                float m = 0;
                int b = 0;

                if (dx != 0)
                    m = ((float)(dy)) / (dx);
                    b = y0 - (int)(m * x0);

				if (global::System.Math.Abs(dx) >= global::System.Math.Abs(dy))
					if (x0 > x1)
                        this.Swap(ref x0, ref x1);
                        this.Swap(ref y0, ref y1);

                    while (x0 <= x1)
						this.SetDrawingWindow(x0, y0, 1, 1);

                        this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, 2);


                        if (x0 <= x1)
                            y0 = (int)(m * x0) + b;
					if (y0 > y1)
                        this.Swap(ref x0, ref x1);
                        this.Swap(ref y0, ref y1);

                    while (y0 <= y1)
						this.SetDrawingWindow(x0, y0, 1, 1);

                        this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, 2);


                        if (y0 <= y1)
							if (dx != 0)
								x0 = (int)((float)(y0 - b) / m);


            public void FillRectangle(int xPos, int yPos, int rectWidth, int rectHeight, Color color)
				// validate parameter values
                if (xPos < 0 || yPos < 0 || (xPos + rectWidth) > this.ScreenWidth || (yPos + rectHeight) > this.ScreenHeight)
                    throw new ArgumentException("FillRectangle: Invalid parameter values.");

				// translate coordinates based on display orientation
				int x = 0;
				int y = 0;
				int width = 0;
				int height = 0;
				switch (this.lcdOrientation)
					case Orientation.Portrait:
						x = xPos;
						y = yPos;
						width = rectWidth;
						height = rectHeight;
					case Orientation.Landscape:
						x = SCREEN_WIDTH - yPos - rectHeight;
						y = xPos;
						width = rectHeight;
						height = rectWidth;
					case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
						x = yPos;
						y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - xPos - rectWidth;
						width = rectHeight;
						height = rectWidth;
                    case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                        x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - rectWidth;
                        y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - rectHeight;
                        width = rectWidth;
                        height = rectHeight;


                int pixelCount = width * height;
                int bufferPixels = this.buffer.Length / 2; // every pixel is 2 bytes
                byte h = (byte)((int)color >> 8);
                byte l = (byte)(color);

                // fill buffer
                for (int i = 0; i < this.buffer.Length; i = i + 2)
                    this.buffer[i] = h;
                    this.buffer[i + 1] = l;

                this.SetDrawingWindow(x, y, width, height);


                int loops = pixelCount / bufferPixels;

                for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                    this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.Length);

                int pixelsLeft = pixelCount % bufferPixels;
                if (pixelsLeft > 0)
                    // every pixel is 2 bytes
                    this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, pixelsLeft * 2);


            public void DrawImage(int xPos, int yPos, Image image)
				// validate parameter values
				if (xPos < 0 || yPos < 0 || (xPos + image.Width) > this.ScreenWidth || (yPos + image.Height) > this.ScreenHeight)
					throw new ArgumentException("DrawImage: Invalid parameter values.");

				// translate coordinates based on display orientation
				int x = 0;
				int y = 0;
				int width = 0;
				int height = 0;
				switch (this.lcdOrientation)
					case Orientation.Portrait:
						x = xPos;
						y = yPos;
						width = image.Width;
						height = image.Height;
					case Orientation.Landscape:
						x = SCREEN_WIDTH - yPos - image.Height;
						y = xPos;
						width = image.Height;
						height = image.Width;
					case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
						x = yPos;
						y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - xPos - image.Width;
						width = image.Height;
						height = image.Width;
                    case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                        x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - image.Width;
                        y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - image.Height;
                        width = image.Width;
                        height = image.Height;

                this.SetDrawingWindow(x, y, width, height);
                this.parallelPort.Write(image.ImageBytes, Image.IMG_PIXELS_INDEX, image.ImageBytes.Length - Image.IMG_PIXELS_INDEX);

			public void DrawString(int xPos, int yPos, string text, Color fgColor, Color bgColor, Font font)
				// validate parameter values
				if (xPos < 0 || yPos < 0)
					throw new ArgumentException("DrawString: Screen position (x,y) is invalid.");

				if ((xPos + font.GetTextWidth(text)) > this.ScreenWidth || (yPos + font.Height) > this.ScreenHeight)
					throw new ArgumentException("DrawString: Text string is too wide or too high to fit on the screen.");

				// translate coordinates based on display orientation
				int x = 0;
				int y = 0;
				int width = 0;
				int height = 0;
				switch (this.lcdOrientation)
					case Orientation.Portrait:
						x = xPos;
						y = yPos;
					case Orientation.Landscape:
						x = SCREEN_WIDTH - yPos - font.Height;
						y = xPos;
					case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
						x = yPos;
						y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - xPos - font.AverageWidth;
                    case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                        x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - font.AverageWidth;
                        y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - font.Height;

				// split colors into bytes
				byte fgColorHigh = (byte)((int)fgColor >> 8);
				byte fgColorLow = (byte)(fgColor);
				byte bgColorHigh = (byte)((int)bgColor >> 8);
				byte bgColorLow = (byte)(bgColor);

				// draw each character
				char currentChar = ' ';
				CharInfo charInfo = null;
				int bytesInBuffer = 0;
				for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < text.Length; charIndex++)
					// get character
					currentChar = text[charIndex];

					// get character info
					charInfo = font[currentChar];

					// translate width and height based on display orientation
					switch (this.lcdOrientation)
						case Orientation.Portrait:
                        case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                            width = charInfo.Width;
							height = charInfo.Height;
                        case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
                        case Orientation.Landscape:
							width = charInfo.Height;
							height = charInfo.Width;

					// get character pixels
					bytesInBuffer = font.FillBitmapBuffer(charInfo, this.buffer, fgColorLow, fgColorHigh, bgColorLow, bgColorHigh);

					// output character pixels
					this.SetDrawingWindow(x, y, width, height);
					this.parallelPort.Write(this.buffer, 0, bytesInBuffer);

					// update x position
					switch (this.lcdOrientation)
						case Orientation.Portrait:
							x += width;
						case Orientation.Landscape:
							y += height;
						case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
							y -= height;
                        case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                            x -= width;


			#region Interface Methods

			private void Swap(ref int a1, ref int a2)
                int temp = a1;
                a1 = a2;
                a2 = temp;

            private void SetRegister(byte register)

                this.regBuffer[0] = 0;
				this.regBuffer[1] = register;
                this.parallelPort.Write(this.regBuffer, 0, 2);


			private void WriteRegister(byte register, ushort value)

                this.regBuffer[0] = (byte)(value >> 8);
                this.regBuffer[1] = (byte)(value);
                this.parallelPort.Write(regBuffer, 0, 2);


            #region Touch Thread & Methods

            private void TouchThread()
                int lastX = 0;
                int lastY = 0;
                bool lastStatus = false; // true means there are touches

                int x;
                int y;
                bool status;

                byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2];

                while (this.terminateTouchThread == false)

                    status = !this.touchIRQ.Read();

                    if (status == true)
                        writeBuffer[0] = 0x90;
                        this.spi.WriteRead(writeBuffer, readBuffer, 1);
                        y = readBuffer[0];
                        y <<= 8;
                        y |= readBuffer[1];
                        y >>= 3;

                        writeBuffer[0] = 0xD0;
                        this.spi.WriteRead(writeBuffer, readBuffer, 1);
                        x = readBuffer[0];
                        x <<= 8;
                        x |= readBuffer[1];
                        x >>= 3;

                        // calibrate 
                        if (x > 3750)
                            x = 3750;
                        else if (x < 280)
                            x = 280;

                        if (y > 3850)
                            y = 3850;
                        else if (y < 450)
                            y = 450;

                        x = (3750 - x) * (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) / (3750 - 280);
                        y = (3850 - y) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1) / (3850 - 450);

                        if (lastStatus == false)
							this.FireTouchDownEvent(x, y);

                            lastStatus = true;
                            lastX = x;
                            lastY = y;
                            // filter small changes
                            if (global::System.Math.Abs(x - lastX) > 5 || global::System.Math.Abs(y - lastY) > 5)
								this.FireTouchMoveEvent(x, y);
                                lastX = x;
                                lastY = y;
                    else if (lastStatus == true)
						this.FireTouchUpEvent(lastX, lastY);
                        lastStatus = false;

			private void FireTouchDownEvent(int xPos, int yPos)
				if (this.TouchDownEvent != null)
					// translate coordinates based on display orientation
					int x = 0;
					int y = 0;
					switch (this.lcdOrientation)
						case Orientation.Portrait:
							x = xPos;
							y = yPos;
						case Orientation.Landscape:
							x = yPos;
							y = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
						case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
							x = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;
							y = xPos;
                        case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                            x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
                            y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;

					// fire the event
					this.TouchDownEvent(x, y);

			private void FireTouchMoveEvent(int xPos, int yPos)
				if (this.TouchMoveEvent != null)
					// translate coordinates based on display orientation
					int x = 0;
					int y = 0;
					switch (this.lcdOrientation)
						case Orientation.Portrait:
							x = xPos;
							y = yPos;
						case Orientation.Landscape:
							x = yPos;
							y = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
						case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
							x = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;
							y = xPos;
                        case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                            x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
                            y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;

					// fire the event
					this.TouchMoveEvent(x, y);

			private void FireTouchUpEvent(int xPos, int yPos)
				if (this.TouchUpEvent != null)
					// translate coordinates based on display orientation
					int x = 0;
					int y = 0;
					switch (this.lcdOrientation)
						case Orientation.Portrait:
							x = xPos;
							y = yPos;
						case Orientation.Landscape:
							x = yPos;
							y = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
						case Orientation.LandscapeInverse:
							x = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;
							y = xPos;
                        case Orientation.PortraitInverse:
                            x = SCREEN_WIDTH - xPos - 1;
                            y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - yPos - 1;

					// fire the event
					this.TouchUpEvent(x, y);


            #region Font Classes

            public class Font
                // CONSTRUCTORS
                protected Font()
                    // this constructor is not for external access
                    this.avgWidth = 0;
                    this.maxWidth = 0;
                    this.height = 0;
                    this.startChar = '\x00';
                    this.endChar = '\x00';
                    this.charDescriptors = null;
                    this.charBitmaps = null;

                // PROPERTIES
                public ushort AverageWidth
                    get { return this.avgWidth; }

				public ushort MaxWidth
                    get { return this.maxWidth; }

				public ushort Height
                    get { return this.height; }

				public CharInfo this[char newChar]
						// validate parameter
						if (newChar < this.startChar || newChar > this.endChar)
							throw new ArgumentException("Font class: character not found.");

						ushort bitMask = 0x7FFF;
						int descriptorIndex = (newChar - this.startChar) * constSizeOfCharDescriptor;
						ushort charWidth = (ushort)(this.charDescriptors[descriptorIndex] & bitMask);
						ushort charHeight = (ushort)(this.charDescriptors[descriptorIndex + 1] & bitMask);
						ushort bitmapStartIndex = (ushort)(this.charDescriptors[descriptorIndex + 2] & bitMask);
						ushort bitmapLength = (ushort)(this.charDescriptors[descriptorIndex + 3] & bitMask);

						return new CharInfo(newChar, charWidth, charHeight, bitmapStartIndex, bitmapLength);

				// METHODS
				public int GetTextWidth(string text)
					int totalPixels = 0;

					foreach (char character in text)
						totalPixels += this[character].Width;

					return totalPixels;


				public int FillBitmapBuffer(CharInfo charInfo, byte[] buffer, byte fgColorLow, byte fgColorHigh, byte bgColorLow, byte bgColorHigh)
					// check the buffer size
					int charBytesReq = charInfo.Width * charInfo.Height * 2;
					int totalBytesReq = charInfo.Width * this.height * 2;
					if (buffer.Length < totalBytesReq)
						throw new ArgumentException("Buffer length is not large enough for this character.");

					// fill the buffer
					ushort bitmapValue = 0;
					int bufferIndex = 0;
					ushort bitmapIndex = charInfo.BitmapStartIndex;
					for (int i = 0; i < charInfo.BitmapLength; i++, bitmapIndex++)
						bitmapValue = (ushort)this.charBitmaps[bitmapIndex];
						for (ushort bitMask = (ushort)0x0001; bitMask < (ushort)0x8000; )
							// add pixel color
							if ((bitmapValue & bitMask) == bitMask)
								// add foreground color
								buffer[bufferIndex] = fgColorHigh;
								buffer[bufferIndex + 1] = fgColorLow;
								// add background color
								buffer[bufferIndex] = bgColorHigh;
								buffer[bufferIndex + 1] = bgColorLow;

							// adjust bitMask, increment pixelsRead, and increment bufferIndex
							bitMask = (ushort)(bitMask << 1);
							bufferIndex += 2;

							// check if we are done
							if (bufferIndex >= charBytesReq)

					// add blank rows
					while (bufferIndex < totalBytesReq)
						// add background color
						buffer[bufferIndex] = bgColorHigh;
						buffer[bufferIndex + 1] = bgColorLow;
						bufferIndex += 2;

					// return num bytes in buffer
					return bufferIndex;

                // MEMBER FIELDS
                protected ushort avgWidth;
                protected ushort maxWidth;
                protected ushort height;
                protected char startChar;
                protected char endChar;
                protected string charDescriptors;
                protected string charBitmaps;
				protected const int constSizeOfCharDescriptor = 4;	// number of chars in each descriptor

			public class CharInfo
				public CharInfo(char character, ushort charWidth, ushort charHeight, ushort bitmapStartIndex, ushort bitmapLength)
					this.character = character;
					this.charWidth = charWidth;
					this.charHeight = charHeight;
					this.bitmapStartIndex = bitmapStartIndex;
					this.bitmapLength = bitmapLength;

				public char Character
					get { return this.character; }

				public ushort Width
					get { return this.charWidth; }

				public ushort Height
					get { return this.charHeight; }

				public ushort BitmapStartIndex
					get { return this.bitmapStartIndex; }

				public ushort BitmapLength
					get { return this.bitmapLength; }

				private char character;
				private ushort charWidth;
				private ushort charHeight;
				private ushort bitmapStartIndex;
				private ushort bitmapLength;


            #region Image Class

            public class Image
                // CONSTRUCTORS
                public Image(byte[] imgBytes)
					if (Utility.ExtractValueFromArray(imgBytes, 0, 4) != SIGNATURE)
						throw new ArgumentException("Image Class: Signature bytes not found.");

                    int width = (int)Utility.ExtractValueFromArray(imgBytes, 4, 2);
                    int height = (int)Utility.ExtractValueFromArray(imgBytes, 6, 2);

					if (width * height * 2 + 8 != imgBytes.Length)
						throw new ArgumentException("Image class: Width and height do not match size of byte array.");

					this.ImageBytes = imgBytes;
                    this.Width = width;
                    this.Height = height;

                // PROPERTIES
                public readonly int Width;
                public readonly int Height;
                public const uint SIGNATURE = 0x354A82B8;
                public const int IMG_PIXELS_INDEX = 8;
                public byte[] ImageBytes;


            #region LCD Configuration Class

            public class LCDConfiguration
                // CONSTRUCTORS
                public LCDConfiguration(FEZ_Pin.Digital reset,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital chipSelect,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital RS,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital lcdBackLight,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital[] dataPins,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital writePin,
                    FEZ_Pin.Digital readPin,
                    Orientation lcdOrientation)
                    this.DataPins = new Cpu.Pin[8];

					for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
						this.DataPins[i] = (Cpu.Pin)dataPins[i];

                    this.WritePin = (Cpu.Pin)writePin;
                    this.ReadPin = (Cpu.Pin)readPin;
                    this.ChipSelect = (Cpu.Pin)chipSelect;
                    this.Reset = (Cpu.Pin)reset;
                    this.RS = (Cpu.Pin)RS;
                    this.BackLight = (Cpu.Pin)lcdBackLight;
                    this.LCDOrientation = lcdOrientation;

                // PROPERTIES
                public Cpu.Pin[] DataPins;
                public Cpu.Pin WritePin;
                public Cpu.Pin ReadPin;
                public Cpu.Pin ChipSelect;
                public Cpu.Pin Reset;
                public Cpu.Pin RS;
                public Cpu.Pin BackLight;
                public Orientation LCDOrientation;


            #region Touch Configuration Class

            public class TouchConfiguration
                public SPI.SPI_module Channel;
                public Cpu.Pin ChipSelect;
                public Cpu.Pin TouchIRQ;

                public TouchConfiguration(SPI.SPI_module channel, FEZ_Pin.Digital chipSelect, FEZ_Pin.Digital touchIRQ)
                    this.Channel = channel;
                    this.ChipSelect = (Cpu.Pin)chipSelect;
                    this.TouchIRQ = (Cpu.Pin)touchIRQ;


            #region Member Fields

			// constants
			private const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 240;
			private const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 320;
            private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 2024;
			private const byte REGISTER_WRITE_GRAM = 0x22;
			private const int TOUCH_SAMPLING_TIME = 10;

            private bool disposed = false;
            private byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
            private byte[] regBuffer = new byte[2];

            // lcd configuration
            private ParallelPort parallelPort;
            private OutputPort lcdReset;
            private OutputPort lcdChipSelect;
            private OutputPort lcdRegSelect;
            private OutputCompare lcdBackLight;
            private Orientation lcdOrientation;

            // touch configuration
            private SPI spi;
            private InputPort touchIRQ;
            private bool terminateTouchThread;
            private Thread touchThread;

			// display mode
			private DisplayMode displayMode;
			private int backlightLevel;


And since the UI-controls-driver only works with the original FEZ touch driver, I adapted for the moment 3 controls to be usable with the driver version 2.2

First the base class

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;
using System.Threading;

namespace FEZTouch.UIControls
    public abstract class Control
        protected int X_Pos;
        protected int Y_Pos;
        protected int Width;
        protected int Height;
        protected FEZ_Components.FEZTouch touchscreen;
        protected FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font tsFont;
        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color BGColor;

        protected virtual void Draw()
            throw new Exception("Draw() not implemented");

        public virtual void Refresh()

        protected virtual Boolean IsPointInControl(int x, int y)
            if ((x >= X_Pos) && (x <= X_Pos + Width) &&
                (y >= Y_Pos) && (y <= Y_Pos + Height))
                return true;
            return false;

second a StateButton

    public class StateButton : Control
        public enum eCurrState

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color State1Color;

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color State2Color;

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color Text1Color;

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color Text2Color;

        eCurrState curr_state = eCurrState.state1;

        String state1_text;

        public String State1Text
            get { return state1_text; }
                int text_width = value.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth;

                if (text_width > Width)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                state1_text = value;
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - text_width) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, value, 
                                       Text1Color, State1Color, tsFont);

        String state2_text;

        public String State2Text
            get { return state2_text; }
                int text_width = value.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth;

                if (text_width > Width)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                state2_text = value;
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - text_width) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, value, 
                                       Text2Color, State2Color, tsFont);

        public delegate void State1ActiveDelegate(eCurrState new_state);

        public event State1ActiveDelegate StateChanged;

        internal void DoStateChanged(eCurrState new_state)
            if (StateChanged != null) StateChanged(new_state);

        public StateButton(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, int width, int height, String t1, String t2, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, ft, width, height, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Gray, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Red, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White, t1, t2, font1);

        public StateButton(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, String t1, String t2, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, ft, 50, 50, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Gray, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Red, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White, t1, t2, font1);

        void Init(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, int w, int h,
                  FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color st1_c, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color st2_c, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color t1_c, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color t2_c,
                  String text1, String text2, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            touchscreen = ft;
            tsFont = font1;
            X_Pos = x;
            Y_Pos = y;
            Width = w;
            Height = h;
            State1Color = st1_c;
            State2Color = st2_c;
            Text1Color = t1_c;
            Text2Color = t2_c;
            touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, State1Color);
            state1_text = text1;
            state2_text = text2;
            touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - (state1_text.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth)) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, state1_text,
                       Text1Color, State1Color, tsFont);

            touchscreen.TouchDownEvent += new FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.TouchEventHandler(touchscreen_TouchDownEvent);

        void touchscreen_TouchDownEvent(int x, int y)
            FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color new_btn_color;
            FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color new_txt_color;
            String new_text;

            if (IsPointInControl(x, y) == true)
                if (curr_state == eCurrState.state1)
                    new_btn_color = State2Color;
                    new_txt_color = Text2Color;
                    new_text = state2_text;
                    curr_state = eCurrState.state2;
                    new_btn_color = State1Color;
                    new_txt_color = Text1Color;
                    new_text = state1_text;
                    curr_state = eCurrState.state1;
                touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, new_btn_color);
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - (new_text.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth)) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, new_text, 
                                       new_txt_color, new_btn_color, tsFont);


and third a MomentaryButton

    public class MomentaryButton : Control
        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color NotPressedColor;

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color PressedColor;

        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color TextColor;

        String button_text;

        public String Text
            get { return button_text; }
                int text_width = value.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth;

                if (text_width > Width)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Label width too long");

                button_text = value;
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - text_width) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, value, 
                                       TextColor, NotPressedColor, tsFont);

        public delegate void ButtonPressedDelegate();

        public event ButtonPressedDelegate Pressed;

        internal void DoButtonPressed()
            if (Pressed != null) Pressed();

        public delegate void ButtonReleasedDelegate();

        public event ButtonReleasedDelegate Released;

        internal void DoButtonReleased()
            if (Released != null) Released();

        public MomentaryButton(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, int width, int height, String txt, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, ft, width, height, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Gray, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Red, txt, font1);

        public MomentaryButton(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, int width, int height, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color pc, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color rc, String txt, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, ft, width, height, pc, rc, txt, font1);

        public MomentaryButton(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, String txt, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, ft, 50, 50, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Gray, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Red, txt, font1);

        void Init(int x, int y, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, int w, int h, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color pc, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color rc, String txt, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            touchscreen = ft;
            tsFont = font1;
            X_Pos = x;
            Y_Pos = y;
            Width = w;
            Height = h;
            PressedColor = pc;
            NotPressedColor = rc;
            TextColor = FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White;
            touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, NotPressedColor);
            Text = txt;
            touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - (Text.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth)) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, Text, 
                       TextColor, NotPressedColor, tsFont);

            touchscreen.TouchDownEvent += new FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.TouchEventHandler(touchscreen_TouchDownEvent);
            touchscreen.TouchUpEvent += new FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.TouchEventHandler(touchscreen_TouchUpEvent);

        void touchscreen_TouchUpEvent(int x, int y)
            if (IsPointInControl(x, y) == true)
                touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, NotPressedColor);
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - (Text.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth)) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, Text, 
                                       TextColor, NotPressedColor, tsFont);

        void touchscreen_TouchDownEvent(int x, int y)

            if (IsPointInControl(x, y) == true)
                touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, PressedColor);
                touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos + (Width - (Text.Length * tsFont.AverageWidth)) / 2, Y_Pos + (Height - tsFont.Height) / 2, Text, 
                                       TextColor, PressedColor, tsFont);

The TextArea class is not tested, as several DrawStrings are faster but at least it compiles and
can be used in some places.

    public class TextArea : Control
        public FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color TextColor;

        int cursor_x_pos;
        int cursor_y_pos;
        int num_chars_per_line;
        int num_lines_in_window;
        String[] text_lines;
        int top_text_line_idx;
        int curr_text_insert_idx;
        int num_lines_written;

        public TextArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font font1)
            Init(x, y, width, height, ft, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.Gray, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color.White, font1);

        public TextArea(int x, int y, int w, int h, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color bg, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color fg, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font fft)
            Init(x, y, w, h, ft, bg, fg, fft);

        void Init(int x, int y, int w, int h, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch ft, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color bg, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Color fg, FEZ_Components.FEZTouch.Font fft)
            touchscreen = ft;
            tsFont = fft;
            X_Pos = x;
            Y_Pos = y;
            if ((w <=  fft.AverageWidth) || (h <= fft.Height))
                throw new ArgumentException("TextArea window size too small");
            Width = w;
            Height = h;
            BGColor = bg;
            TextColor = fg;
            cursor_x_pos = X_Pos + 2;
            cursor_y_pos = Y_Pos + 2;
            num_chars_per_line = (Width / tsFont.AverageWidth) - 1;  // Subtract 1 to allow for "margins"
            num_lines_in_window = (Height / tsFont.Height) - 1;
            text_lines = new String[num_lines_in_window];
            top_text_line_idx = 0;      // The 1st element in the text_lines array is at the top of the window
            curr_text_insert_idx = 0;
            num_lines_written = 0;


        public void Clear()
            int i;
            top_text_line_idx = 0;
            curr_text_insert_idx = 0;
            num_lines_written = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < text_lines.Length; i++)
                text_lines[i] = null;
            touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, BGColor);

        public void WriteLine(String txt)
            int num_lines;
            int i;
            int cur_idx = 0;
            int num_chars_to_write;
            String s;

            num_lines = txt.Length / num_chars_per_line;
            if (txt.Length % num_chars_per_line != 0) num_lines++;

            for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++)
                if ((txt.Length - cur_idx) <= num_chars_per_line)
                    num_chars_to_write = (txt.Length - cur_idx);
                    num_chars_to_write = num_chars_per_line;

                s = txt.Substring(cur_idx, num_chars_to_write);
                text_lines[curr_text_insert_idx] = s;

                if (curr_text_insert_idx == (text_lines.Length - 1))
                    curr_text_insert_idx = 0;

                cur_idx += num_chars_to_write;
            num_lines_written += num_lines;


            if (num_lines_written >= num_lines_in_window)
                top_text_line_idx = curr_text_insert_idx + 1;

        protected override void Draw()
            int i;
            int curr_line_num = 0;
            Object lock_obj = new Object();

            lock (lock_obj)
                if (num_lines_written > num_lines_in_window)
                    touchscreen.FillRectangle(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width, Height, BGColor);

                if (text_lines != null)
                    for (i = top_text_line_idx; i < text_lines.Length; i++)
                        if ((text_lines[i] != null) && (text_lines[i] != String.Empty))
                            touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos, Y_Pos + ((i - top_text_line_idx) * tsFont.Height), text_lines[i], TextColor, BGColor, tsFont);
                for (i = 0; i < top_text_line_idx; i++)
                    if ((text_lines[i] != null) && (text_lines[i] != String.Empty))
                        touchscreen.DrawString(X_Pos, Y_Pos + ((i + curr_line_num) * tsFont.Height), text_lines[i], TextColor, BGColor, tsFont);

Excellent work!

Please add this as a project on TinyCLR Code or update the original driver on TinyCLR Code at [url]http://code.tinyclr.com/project/363/fez-touch-driver-ver-22/[/url]

I could use help improving the speed of the driver, if you have any suggestions or have made any changes yourself to improve performance please publish those as well.


@ jasdev
I can’t change the original driver. Should I add a new code project, or do you want to update your driver? It is still mainly your code.

Steh, Thanks, I’ll go ahead and update my code.

I’ve added Steh’s PortraitInverted LCD orientation mode to the Touch driver, and updated the version number to 2.3. The updated code can be found here:
