FEZ Spider in education, thanks .NET Gadgeteer

It is no surprise that FEZ Spider and the other Gadgeteer mainbaords are ideal for education. The available module cover projects as simple as making a traffic-light to a real complex modules to fulfill even commercial needs. (Why didn’t we have this when were growing up?!)

[quote]At Eastlake High School in Sammamish, Wash., teacher Kathy Wrights students used .Net Gadgeteer modules and wrote a C# program that controls LED lights to help coordinate the flow of traffic leaving the school.

Read more http://www.geekwire.com/2012/kinect-smartphones-changing-high-school-computer-science/

FEZ Spider is showing in the first part of the video


Follow up.

Dr. Kathy Wright has classroom website:

Section dedicated to Gadgeteer:

Thanks for sharing architect and thanks Dr Kathy.