FEZ Spider Connect to VPN

I recently purchased a FEZ Spider which is connected to a WiFi RS21. I am able to connect to my home wifi and send messages via TCP/SSL. The next step is to get the device to connect to a VPN. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get started with connecting this thing to a VPN? I’ve found a library (DotRas - http://dotras.codeplex.com/) to connect my computer to a VPN, however, the definitions from DotRas to .NET Micro Framework do not work. Any help would be appreciated.

Using mainboard GHI Electronics FEZSpider version 1.0
RS9110 firmware version Number is 4.4.5
RS9110 driver version Number is 4.4.5

Here is all the Assemblies used:
Assembly: mscorlib (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native (
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Security.PKCS11 (
Assembly: System.Security ( Loading Deployment Assemblies.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.WebServer ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Touch ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Premium.Net ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.SPI ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System.Net.Security ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.RelayISOx16 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZSpider ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SerialPort ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer.WebClient ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Premium.System ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.WiFi_RS21 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System.Http ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GadgeteerApp1 ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Premium.Hardware ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.TinyCore ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System.IO ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.Premium.IO ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.IO ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.UsbClientDP ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer ( Resolving.