Fez Spider and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Hello, I just got HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and I want to connect it to my Fez Spider or Fez Mini, I would be very grateful if anyone gives me some pointers.

Tnx very much!

Take a look here:


There is a link to the working driver code.

Hi, tnx for the info.
I’m seeing strange behavior from my fez mini when i load code from the link.
From time to time it moves motors on their own.
I am confused, please advise.
Sensor is connected to pins 7-Echo and 8-Trig.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;

namespace HC_SR04

    public class HC_SR04
        private OutputPort portOut;
        private InterruptPort interIn;
        private long beginTick;
        private long endTick;
        private long minTicks; 
        private double inchConversion;
        private double version;
        public HC_SR04(Cpu.Pin pinTrig, Cpu.Pin pinEcho)
            portOut = new OutputPort(pinTrig, false);
            interIn = new InterruptPort(pinEcho, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeLow);
            interIn.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(interIn_OnInterrupt);
            minTicks = 6200L;
            inchConversion = 1440.0;
            version = 1.1;

        public double Version
                return version;

        public long Ping()
            // Reset Sensor

            // Start Clock
            endTick = 0L;
            beginTick = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            // Trigger Sonic Pulse


            if (endTick > 0L)
                long elapsed = endTick - beginTick;

                elapsed -= minTicks;
                if (elapsed < 0L)
                    elapsed = 0L;

                return elapsed;

            return -1L;

        void interIn_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)

            endTick = time.Ticks;

        public double TicksToInches(long ticks)
            return (double)ticks / inchConversion;

        public double InchCoversionFactor
                return inchConversion;
                inchConversion = value;

        public long LatencyTicks
                return minTicks;
                minTicks = value;

    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            HC_SR04 sensor = new HC_SR04((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di8, (Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di7);

            while (true)
                long ticks = sensor.Ping();
                if (ticks > 0L)
                    double inches = sensor.TicksToInches(ticks);
                    double centimeters = inches*2.54;
                    Debug.Print("Daljina je " + centimeters);

Maybe looking at the debug output and figuring out what might be going wrong would be a good first start. To me it is likely your code is finding there’s a reason to start the motor; that means your sensor reading or your logic for that situation is at fault. Why don’t you log everything to SD or something so you can analyse

Tnx, I’ll check that out.