FEZ Panda proto board

You are using all IOs because of the parallel display interface. Note that will work but the display will be extremely slow I think.

Also, if you use the color display then the UEXT display is no longer needed so you have those free pins :wink:

I look forward to seeing panda pins used all and will happily get the first one doing it 1000 points

Oh, man! ???
I thought I nail it!

I noticed you also mentioned that in the ebook and in the Nokia Color LCD brochure(may be).
But I also saw it worked and It wasnā€™t that bad (for me anyway).

In that case, this is my other options.
Iā€™m going to use the Ethernet Shield on the UEXT (UEXT7, UEXT8, UEXT9, UEXT10) or SPI2
and use UEXT3 as Interrupt Pin for Ethernet Shield.
So one more pin (UEXT4) left. :frowning:
I know, I know.
I use this pin for LED, as a status LED for SDA/SCL data transfer.
:smiley: :smiley:
howā€™s thats??

I want to see it working and you get 1000 points :wink:

Also, if you managed to optimize the parallel display driver to make a nice code that everyone can use (and make a wiki page) I will give you additional 500 points :wink:

My Panda project is a project that I really want to do. Iā€™m persuing my passion.
Like I said, I planned this project from the very start of my first step into this electronic world, almost three years back.
I have been waiting anxiously await to receive the one I pre-order.And even thought of pre-order another one.

I think I will accept the challenge for the 1000 point first.
For another 500 points I will leave it until the end, till I have eveything hook up and running.

I am eager to start a project.
Thanks for the challenge and support,

That looks great and I look forward to the board. It has a number of items Iā€™m looking for ā€¦ SD Card and XBee for wireless. The only items still missing and very useful would be some sort of display, a key pad (or just a few buttons) and Ethernet.

One question ā€¦ how does the Panda interface with the board? Does it use the Arduino headers?


It uses 0.1" headerā€¦details will come later

That FEZ Panda Base Board looks the bomb. I would definitely like to get my hands on one of those bad boys. :clap:

What happened to this board?

Look for fez panda II tinkerer kit in the GHI catalog.