But that doesn’t mean you WANT to have to reconfigure your PC every time you want to get the file. You should plan for a general configuration, ie Panda connected to a network via a switch

I connected an ENC28 Module to the Panda III and can confirm that the events are not fired (on the Cobra III they are !).
Change the code from the while loop to:

while (netif.IPAddress == "")
            Debug.Print("Wait for IP-Address");
        Debug.Print("My IP is: " + netif.IPAddress);
        // finally: blinking a LED, just for fun
        var LED = new OutputPort(FEZPandaIII.Gpio.Led1, true);
        while (true)
            LED.Write(!LED.Read()); // Invert 

And it should work (connected to a switch as Brett suggested).
Another point that I don’t understand is why you want to use UDP instead of tcp when you want to transfer a file.


Dear All,

I had no cross over cables. I made 2 cables. And tried. It didn’t work with Panda III. So I connected to a Adruino Uno board and referred some youtube videos. There are Ecn28j60 based github applications for Adruino. It didn’t run as expected. I tried to run a WebServer example in Adruino. Now I am using Laptop, A DLink Switch, crosswired cables, and Panda III device or Adruino board.

I opened a google chrome window, typed Router console) and checked the devices in network. It is listing only the laptop’s IP. For Ecn28j60, I changed the connection from 3 v to 5 volt, again, no progress. I did a connectivity test for cables, seems connections are OK. So next think I have to suspect is Ecn28j60 is working or not. I will buy a new Ecn28j60 or Ecn28j60 Shield and try. I will let you know the result soon. Thanks alot for the support. Please keep on continue…


Seems that I finally found the reason. I think your wiring was not correct, you swapped MOSI and MISO.
The correct wiring for SPI2 is:

CK (Pin D35) —> CK
MOSI (Pin D38) —> SI
MISO (Pin D36) —> SO
CS (Pin D20) —> CS

Now the events are fired.
It is able to get the time from an internet timeserver, however it does not respond on pinging (seems to be normal for the ENC28 module)

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I will double check it. I had altered MISO and MOSI pins. But I will check again.


In a conculsion that the ethernet MCU is buggy. Ordered a new one. Will experiment and update this forum link.


I have a new ethernet HANRUN HR911105A 16/02. It is working.

Thanks a lot for all who helped in this forum.
